Friday, February 1


Samy has been busy lately. The biggest event for her was when we went to the dentist recently and Samy was told that she no longer had to use a pacifier. Let me explain, because I am not a big fan of a 3 year-old who uses a pacifier: About a year and a half ago, Samy had an exam at the dentist wherein the doctor told me that she has a slight underbite (her jaw/chin sticks out more than it should and doesn't align with her upper teeth properly). To remedy this, the dentist said that she should start using a pacifier to help push the upper teeth out to meet the bottom teeth. (As I write this, it brings a weird picture into my hear with this little girl and a mouth full of teeth sticking a foot out infront of her -- not the case).

So, I went out and bought a couple pacifiers that she would use for nap time and bed time. I did not want her taking the thing all over the place unless I had a sign to put on her that stated something to the effect that it was a medical necessity for my two-year-old to have it. Usually in our family (and I know everyone is different, and that's okay), we get rid of the pacifier at about 9 months to a year - if it was ever really used at all. The first night I gave it to her, she held it in her had and kind of looked at it wondering what the heck she was supposed to do holding this all night. I put it in her mouth and told her to suck on it. From then on, she was hooked! She looked forward most nights to going to be so that she could have it.

The next couple times we went to the dentist, I asked if it was enough and should we stop the pacifier, she kept telling me to let her keep it until the next time, and the next time. By now Samy was completely dependant on the dang thing to sleep, so I knew it was probably going to be hard to get rid of it when the time came.

The time came! We went to the dentist on a Tuesday and the doctor explained to Samy that she didn't need to have a pacifier any more and that she shouldn't suck on her finger either -- she had started sucking her pointer finger (weird) in place of the pacifier sometimes. Samy was totally fine with it until that night came and she was again reminded of her advise from the dentist. I told her that she could have it until Sunday, then we would have to get rid of it. She said okay, and cherished her last few days with her pacifier.

Sunday came and she was very good about saying good bye and putting them in the trash can.

The next couple days were great and she went to bed wonderfully. By Wednesday, though, she was asking for it and went as far as to ask me to go to the store and buy a new one (the child is way too versed in shopping. I take full responsibility for that.) So, I printed the pictures of her throwing the pacifiers away, and taped them to her head board. So far so good. I'm proud of her. That was a big grown up thing to do, getting rid of something that provided you with comfort and security. Good big girl!


Kelly said...

Yea Sammy!

You printed the pictures and stuck them to the headboard. What a great idea, you are such a problem solver.

I am sad to see the pacifier go. I love that you had an almost 4 year old with a pacifier. I remember being aghast the day you were trying to teach someone to use the sippy and they weren't complying. I asked why in the world you were even trying and you said "that's what we do in this family, lose the pacifier at 3 months and bottle at 9" or something like that. And dang it if all of your kids haven't fit into your perfect schedules with their mental health intact. And here I am letting anyone and everyone run amok over all my policies.

Lauren in GA said...

Great job, Sammy!

The end of an era...

a rite of passage for many a child..the loss of a pacifier

You are so smart to put the pictures on the headboard!