Thursday, October 30


Samy: "Mom, when I go watch TV today, will you come with me so you can see the mershals and all the things I want?"

Me: "I don't want to. I have to do all my work while you are having quiet time."

Samy: "Please. Or do you want me to just yell for you every time something is on?"

Me: "Okay, I'll watch for a few minutes."

So I go upstairs and turn the TV on. As she's walking up the stairs, not anywhere near the play room, she says "I want that!"

Me: "You don't even know what that was!"

Samy: "Yes I do. It was the baby who goes potty then you flush the toilet and wash her hands."

Amazing. Then she proceeded to proclaim that she wanted each and every other toy in each and every commercial that came on. The Barbie cruise ship got her extra excited. I cringed at the talking house with the British accent. The only toy she didn't want was the helmet that basically has a virtual video racing game in it. She said Christian could have that one.

Welcome to the Christmas Season. Mershals.

Tuesday, October 28

At dinner just now

Here's the conversation:

Samy: "Mom, what would happen if Arak Bama gets all the people?"

me: "He would take money from the rich people and give it to the people who are too lazy and unmotivated to earn it themselves."

Logan: "Well that would be dumb."

me: "Yeah, but he probably will get all the votes and be the next president, and it'll be okay."

Maren: "I hope McCain wins. [the family] across the street are voting for the other guy, Obama."

me: "That's okay. They're not citizens of this country, so they can't really vote."

Then we moved on to slurping from straws and teasing each other.

Saturday, October 25

I just lost two hours of my life

that I will never get back.

Maren was invited to a birthday party yesterday for the premier of HSM 3. We were both thrilled. She about seeing the movie, and I was thrilled that some other schmuck of a mother was taking her to see it.

Maren got sick on Wednesday. No party. I told her I would take her to see it when she was better. Today she was better. I now became the schmuck of a mother.

I knew I was in for it when the opening scene was a close up of Zac Efron's greasy face and all the girls in the theater screamed joyfully.

The little girl next to me didn't appreciate my "Are you kidding me?!"'s and "He needs to pull up his pants" every now and then. Thankfully I got to get up and use the bathroom once for a brief repose. Thank you large diet coke and bladder that has had five babies sitting on it!

Hey Maren, I just took a bullet for you. Remember this....

That's all I have to say about that.

Friday, October 17

Is it over yet?

In the last post I talked about "birthday season" around our house. It's almost done. Almost.

This week, we celebrated Geoff's birthday. The kids and I pitched in and bought him a massage appointment. The kids didn't actually pitch in per say, I just deducted ten bucks each from the money that we owe them because we never have cash on hand at family home evening on Sunday's. We keep a tab. It may or may not get paid off. Is it considered debt if I owe money to my kids?

I digress....

So now we are having Logan's official party tomorrow. I am going to watch Beverly Hills Chihuahua with 14 nine and ten year old children.

Heaven help me.

Wednesday, October 8

My plan for America

I have a lot of plans...
Lately, as probably many have, I've had discussions with friends of varying political stances. Some discussions have gotten quite heated, but I prefer the ones that are more of a conversation. In my mind, I think I am right and the "other" side is wrong, but I'm not trying to convince anyone or convert anyone to my side. Sometimes, depending on who I am having a conversation with, they ARE trying to convert me to their side. It's not going to happen! They are not going to change my mind any more than I am going to change their mind. I realize this, and it's okay.

Now, the best conversations we have had are the ones where we (both sides) agree that politics are too political. That we would love someone like Jimmy Stewart in "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington", where his political party doesn't matter, lobbyists and special interest groups don't matter, but what matters is the American people and the continual progress of this great country.

In watching the Presidential and Vice Presidential debates over the last few weeks, I've been annoyed that they are all the same rhetoric and political answers that are not really answering the questions that were put before them. It's just jabbing at the opponent and saying you are better. I want to know WHY you are better and WHY I should elect you to the highest office in this great country, and what you are going to do to make it better.

In last nights debate, the moderator asked the question something to the effect of: "What would you ask the American people to sacrifice because of this financial and economic crisis?" I can't recall exactly what the candidates answers were, but no one came right out and said anything that we are going to have to sacrifice. How could they? If one of them would have said: you need to donate and recycle tires, or you need to donate silk stockings like during World War II, that would have been the end of this election for the guy who suggested that. I think that we should, on our own accord, make some sacrifices. In short, we should follow the admonition of the prophet and prepare "every needful thing."

But here's what I would suggest. I would suggest that if you want something done, you have to start with yourself. Walk the walk before you talk the talk. They are talking about decreased spending in Washington. I suggest we start on Inauguration day. When the Obama's (it's going to be them -- I'm not a supporter, I'm just saying...) move into the White House, they are going to redecorate it. They are going to get new china and new furniture. There is going to be an inaugural ball. There will be gala's and parties of that nature. Why do we need this? Where is that money coming from? It's not going to be 10 trillion dollars (hopefully) but it is a significant amount of money. You need china and you don't like the design that Laura Bush chose? Then go to the archives and use the stuff that Jackie Kennedy picked out - she had good taste. You don't like the furniture? Deal with it! I need a new mattress and a new couch. Guess what, I've got to wait until I can afford it. You can too. How about taking the money that would be spent on a Ball or a Gala and give that directly to the homeless. Put it into natural disaster recovery. Put it into education.

Again, I know it wouldn't be 10 trillion dollars and cover the national debt, but the point is that it would be a statement. It would be a great statement. It would tell the American people that they are in touch with what we are going through and that if we are having to make cuts and sacrifice, they will too.

Monday, October 6

Birthday Season is coming to a close

In the gulf coast region, 'Hurricane season' begins in June and goes through October. Similarly, in our house, we have 'Birthday season'. It starts off slow in March and June, then really picks up in August, September, and finally ends in mid-October.

As the 'season' comes to an end, we got to celebrate the birthday of one of my five most favorite children. Logan went into double digits today. The big 1-0! Logan was my 9 pound preemie born almost a month before his scheduled arrival. He's never been early since...

As I thought about Logan today, I reminisced about some of my favorite Logan stories.

In kindergarten, each child is tested to figure out the level they are at academically. When I went to my conference with his teacher after he had been tested, she reported that Logan did very well in his testing and actually excelled. For example, she said trying not to laugh, she asked Logan to count as far as he could. She said most children count to about 12 and then start mixing up. She said that Logan started counting and kept going until he got to 499! She said that as he counted, he sighed of boredom, rocked back in his chair, and acted pretty bored. (She was cracking up at this point and pretty funny as she acted out Logan!). I asked why he stopped at 499. She said that she had asked him too, and his reply was that he was bored and could he count by tens now. She said that 499 was fine.

Another day, I went into the class to help the teacher. When I walked in, I noticed all the children sitting on the 'reading rug'. Then I looked over to the teachers desk and saw that the teacher was at her desk. I looked back at the rug to find Logan sitting in the middle of the class reading Harry Potter to them!

These stories are among my favorite mostly because if you know Logan at all, you know how laid back and sort of simple (in a good way) he is. He's humble and wise-cracking. It's so funny that the kid with the perpetual kool-aid ring around his mouth and food stains on his shirt is brilliant. But he is, at least to his mom.

We had a good birthday today. I took a Texas sheet cake to school. In order for the snack to be 'legal' it had to relate to Texas Social Studies - it was either Texas sheet cake or buffalo wings and the wings would have been way too messy! We had dinner, cake and gifts this evening.

Logan always impresses me with his kind heart. He is always so thankful and gracious. He has the best manners and is always very considerate of others. Usually. You know, for a 10 year old boy, he's remarkable, I think! I adore this guy.

So as we wind up the birthday season this year, I have to say, Logan, we're so glad you are in our family. We love you, we love you, we love you! Happy Birthday!