Tuesday, April 19

A mother's love

That's a Storm Trooper action figure.

Let's zoom out......

Yep, there's poop under there. It's in the "sanitary cycle" as we speak (the Storm Trooper, not the poop).

I used a disposable spoon and bowl to "fish". They are now disposed of.

On the bright side: Potty Training is WAY mastered!

Monday, April 18


Every now and again, I'll go through the kid's phone text messages just to make sure everything's on the up and up. This morning, I read through a string between Logan and a friend of his. Can't tell if she likes him or not, but if she does, she has got to be so totally frustrated with his oblivion! But then again, maybe she's not the sharpest tool in the shed, considering some of her comments, like how she said she had to ask her younger brother how to spell squirrel. My most favorite exerpt is as follows:

Friend: hi logan wat ru doin?
Logan: homework
F: done with mine what subjct?
L: algebra have a test tomorrow studying
F: o can i help, im good at science
L: umm, algebra is math

Yeah, she's probably not clued into the fact that he's oblivious. It's all fine.

Saturday, April 9

Saturday is s special day

So stinking fun!!! What a great day! Samy cracks me up because she is a scrawny little string bean, but man, can she take it (and give it) on the soccer field! She just started her second season with the team. This week was the toughest game yet. The opposing team towered over just about every one of our kids. And they were good. Real good. And dirty. Every time you looked at number 6 he had his foot stuck out tripping someone, or an arm out elbowing someone. At one point, he and Samy collided and took each other down. Bless her little skinny heart, she got right up and kept going. After that, she was elbowing right back! I gave her a tiny pep talk during the next break. I said: "don't ever hit push first, but if someone pushes, hits or trips you, you do it right back to them! Don't take it." Good girl listened to Mommy. After Samy's game, Maren and I came home and dolled her all up for her first dance competition. She entered into a team competition where her and three other girls are performing a lyrical dance. They've worked really long and hard. Today was the first of four competitions that the group has entered. They did such a good job. The only down side is that she was starving and I kind of forgot to feed her lunch because we were a little late. So imagine how much better she can do when she's not famished!

I couldn't take pictures of the performance because it's illegal, but they really did do a great job. So beautiful.

Fun, fun special Saturday.