Monday, October 6

Birthday Season is coming to a close

In the gulf coast region, 'Hurricane season' begins in June and goes through October. Similarly, in our house, we have 'Birthday season'. It starts off slow in March and June, then really picks up in August, September, and finally ends in mid-October.

As the 'season' comes to an end, we got to celebrate the birthday of one of my five most favorite children. Logan went into double digits today. The big 1-0! Logan was my 9 pound preemie born almost a month before his scheduled arrival. He's never been early since...

As I thought about Logan today, I reminisced about some of my favorite Logan stories.

In kindergarten, each child is tested to figure out the level they are at academically. When I went to my conference with his teacher after he had been tested, she reported that Logan did very well in his testing and actually excelled. For example, she said trying not to laugh, she asked Logan to count as far as he could. She said most children count to about 12 and then start mixing up. She said that Logan started counting and kept going until he got to 499! She said that as he counted, he sighed of boredom, rocked back in his chair, and acted pretty bored. (She was cracking up at this point and pretty funny as she acted out Logan!). I asked why he stopped at 499. She said that she had asked him too, and his reply was that he was bored and could he count by tens now. She said that 499 was fine.

Another day, I went into the class to help the teacher. When I walked in, I noticed all the children sitting on the 'reading rug'. Then I looked over to the teachers desk and saw that the teacher was at her desk. I looked back at the rug to find Logan sitting in the middle of the class reading Harry Potter to them!

These stories are among my favorite mostly because if you know Logan at all, you know how laid back and sort of simple (in a good way) he is. He's humble and wise-cracking. It's so funny that the kid with the perpetual kool-aid ring around his mouth and food stains on his shirt is brilliant. But he is, at least to his mom.

We had a good birthday today. I took a Texas sheet cake to school. In order for the snack to be 'legal' it had to relate to Texas Social Studies - it was either Texas sheet cake or buffalo wings and the wings would have been way too messy! We had dinner, cake and gifts this evening.

Logan always impresses me with his kind heart. He is always so thankful and gracious. He has the best manners and is always very considerate of others. Usually. You know, for a 10 year old boy, he's remarkable, I think! I adore this guy.

So as we wind up the birthday season this year, I have to say, Logan, we're so glad you are in our family. We love you, we love you, we love you! Happy Birthday!


Burnhams said...

Happy birthday Logan!

Kelly said...

You really did hit the jackpot with that kid. He's such a prize!

Buffalo Wings...Logan...classroom of 4th graders...Bwah! and Shudder! The sheet cake was a good idea, even then, wish I had pictures of the mustache and chin from that production.

Kelly said...

You really did hit the jackpot with that kid. He's such a prize!

Buffalo Wings...Logan...classroom of 4th graders...Bwah! and Shudder! The sheet cake was a good idea, even then, wish I had pictures of the mustache and chin from that production.

Kelly said...

See, I love him so much I had to say it twice.

Lauren in GA said...

Ahhhhhhh! What a great guy he is. I remember thinking he was THE. MOST. BEAUTIFUL. NEWBORN. I. HAD. EVER. SEEN. My own children included. I remember his beautiful olive skin tone and lips!

What a brilliant boy you have. I don't think I could count to 499 today let alone in pre-kindergarten testing!

Happy Birthday, Logan!!

{krista} said...

Aw, Happy Birthday Logan! Love the stories, especially counting to 499. Too funny!!!

Denise said...

ROFL! I'm surprised the teacher let him count that high! I think my eyes would have glazed and I would have stopped him somewhere in the mid-200s. What a good kid. You're lucky to have him -- and he's lucky to have you! Happy bday Logan!

day dreamer said...

Nic, That was a really nice tribute to Logan! I got a little teary eye! I wish I knew all your kids better, I hate being so far away..alll the time. Happy B-day Logan!

Unknown said...

Let's not forget his latest addition... after beaning this kid in baseball in the middle of the back with his fastball (the kid was on the ground for a good 3-5 minutes and needed a pinch runner) I was walkig to the mound to see how he was doing (he just hit two kids in a row). Before I could say anything he says
"He was supposed to duck!"

I am still laughing at one!