Tuesday, February 5

Super Tuesday: Let's discuss.....

I know it is taboo to talk about politics and religion. But whatever. It is my blog and I will taboo all over the place if I want to. Do I sound snotty? Well, dang it, I am mad as heck and I just have to vent. I am mad at most of America and I would like to smack John McCain's smug face. (Okay, I realize I am in cyberspace and I should tone down because I could get into trouble, so no, I am not threatening McCain or anything like that, I am simply stating my opinion. See First Amendment.)

Moving on: I'd also like to smack Mike Huckabee. Here's why: (Conspiracy theory alert!) I think McCain and Huck are in cahoots to oust Romney. I think that the only reason Huck is in this thing still is to divert attention away from Romney. Okay, okay. Yes I like Romney. Yes he's a Mormon. Yes I'm a Mormon. But I will say that his being a Mormon has very little to do with having my support. Let me say that as a practice in general (there are some exceptions), I go out of my way, pay more money, even some times go as far as to get less quality, by NOT doing business with persons of my faith. In the beginning of this campaign, I leaned towards Fred Thompson. I thought his ideas aligned more with what I believe and want for this country. When Fred dropped out, I actually liked and was leaning towards Huckabee. Yes, Mike Huckabee! John McCain was never at the top of my voting list because I don't agree with his ideals, his morals, and his politics. I think he is trying to prove (and sadly it may be working) that if you stick around long enough and run enough times, you will get your parties nomination and perhaps the White House.

Name recognition. And here's why I think that: In an article I read, a woman was asked whom she voted for at an exit poll. (I won't say which state she was in, because I don't want to offend the non-ignorant people from that state.) She said, "Well, I wanted to vote for the most conservative candidate, so I voted for McCain." WHAAATTTTT!

McCain, from my observations over the last few years (no I'm not a pundit but pay as much attention as I can) seems to have become increasingly more liberal as time has gone on. Hey, maybe this was his strategy, to be more moderate, and get the independent and the undecided vote. Who knows? But I do feel like they (McCain and Huck) are working together to nudge aside Romney and sad as it is to admit, I think they have done so effectively. Ho hum...

Now, having said all that, I can not be so bold (or reckless I think) as say, Ann Coulter, to go so far as to say that I will not vote for McCain and in fact, vote for Clinton instead of McCain. If John McCain does in fact win the GOP nomination, I think we (the GOP) in my opinion will have to band together and go ahead and vote for him AS WELL AS vote GOP for the House and Senate. I think if we stay away from the polls because we don't like McCain, we are in effect voting for the Democrat candidate. Even if we are to 'write in' our candidate, it is still more than likely a wasted vote or a vote for the other side.

It is a gloomy day for me here in Texas.
Poor Mitt. Go and invest your millions, in order to make more millions so that you can spend millions again on another campaign in a few years. Maybe then we will realize that Politicians are ruining this great country and we need someone who's actually been in the economy to help fix the economy.

Okay, I feel much better. Have a good day.


Jackie said...

Not being in a Super Tuesday state, I haven't had to make up my mind yet. I do not like McCain, I do not like Huckabee, and to be honest I just don't know much about Romney. I have always voted Republican..so it will be a quandry.

To let out some dirty laundry,my mother voted for Ron Paul..when she told me that I thought she said Ru Paul..

Kelly said...

Here, here!

Denise said...

Yes! Yes! YES! Sorry to get all passionate on your blog, and we haven't even met, but you have just written exactly what I've been saying (some of it on my blog) for the last month or two. I clicked over here from Kelly's blog, by the way. And I agree with you 100%. I read the same quote from the same misguided lady who thought McCain was the most conservative, and I rolled my eyes. I liked Thompson a lot and was bummed when his campaign didn't take off. And I vent political stuff all the time on my blog because, well, that's what my blog is for, venting! If people don't want to read it, nobody's twisting their arm.

Happy to meet a kindred spirit. Plus, I love the movie quote on your sidebar. The timer always stops at 1 second, you know!

nic said...


Your Ru Paul comment made all the hurt turn into laughter. You are truely a giver -- not to mention a healer!

nic said...


I feel like we're soul sistas! Thanks for your comments and for stopping by.

I'm still cracking up that you picked up on Galaxy Quest - one of the greatest movies of all time!

Lauren in GA said...

That was fantastically written! I agree with you about Huck and McCain trying to oust Romney. Creeps.

Remember on the mission when we had to ask who won the election in a grocery store, and thought the check~out clerk was actually kidding that, that letch Bill Clinton had won?
Ahhhhh, memories. I would like to inform your readers how you wore only black the next day and made huge posters for our little missionary apartment out of butcher paper that quoted the D&C saying, "and the constitution shall hang by a thread".
Good times, good times.

I love you...know that I will always love you... I just wanted to tell you that because, I think the end of the world is nigh.

Kelly said...

Ha! The posters. I was a Bill voter the first time around. I know you know that and can't really look past it so our friendship has never progressed to all that it can be. The posters explain a lot.