Tuesday, February 12

7 Things

Lauren tagged me to list 7 little known things about me.

I've thought about it off and on for a few days in between laundry loads, and it is pretty hard. I can't figure out if it is because I think I am an open book, or I just have no memory/thought process. Who knows! I'll do my best.

1)Hold on, I'm thinking.....Oh, here's one! I was proposed to via walkie-talkie while caravanning from southern Virginia to northern Virginia. The ring and a note were buried deep in a giant Tupperware full of Skittles. Geoff kept telling me that I had to eat all the Skittles before we finished the drive. I figured something was up and dug into the Skittles to locate the ring box. When I found out what it was, I almost crashed the car. (I was driving the new one!)

2) One of my biggest pet peeves in the entire world is water drops on the kitchen floor. Another that comes in a close second, well, probably first, is people disregarding school zone speed limits. I could just wring their necks!

3)When I was a young girl, we lived a pretty humble life, so my Barbie’s swimming pool was the biggest stock pot we had, and their cars were either shoes or shoe boxes. Barbie never complained. She still always managed to be stranded on an island with Ken after a plane crash and made out with him. She even had some nick-mo with the 'Six Million Dollar Man'! Barbie had a good life!

What number am I on? Okay;

4) Two things when I fall asleep at night. A) I always have to have the TV on with the timer set for 60 minutes (if it's set for 30 min, I worry that won't be enough time, although I am most always zonked out within 10 minutes). And B) I fall asleep frighteningly similar to Lilly from TV's "the Munster’s": flat on my back, straight as an arrow, head raised slightly with a pillow, and my hands clasped or folded over my midsection. The only difference between Lilly and me is that I don't sleep wtih the flower stem in my mouth.

Now as a side note, Geoff works out of town and only sleeps at our house on the weekends for the most part, so when he's home, I fall asleep quickly with my back turned to him. (Just kidding, Geoff.) ((Not really everyone else!))

5) Another "when I was young": I used to want to be an actress. As a young child (7 or 8), I remember doing audio plays on our tape recorder with the cool little microphone that you plugged into it. Then in High School and College, I did some plays and was actually decent. I won a couple awards in state competitions and school "awards" programs. People wrote in my yearbook that they were sure I would make it in Hollywood. (This one cracks me up thinking about it.) But I have to say that to this day, I will still watch a movie and often think that I could have done that-- and possibly done it better! (Watch out, Julia Roberts!)

6) I L-O-V-E going to movies by myself (not on a Friday or Saturday night) and enjoy going to lunch (not dinner) and sitting at a table with just me and a good book. I guess I'm a bit of a loaner sometimes.

7) I earned money for my Church mission by working as a bar maid at an Irish Pub. Ahhh, the good old days!

There you go! Thanks for the Tag, Lauren. I need to go to bed, because that took a lot out of my brain -- but it was well worth the pain. Look at me: I'm a poet and don't know it!


Lauren in GA said...

Oh, Nic! That was fabulous! I gleaned a lot of information that I didn't know!

Hey, did you know that Geoff's proposal lived in infamy with the Virginia Tech young adults for years?

I didn't know you fell asleep like Lilly! What, no rose? You should try it sometime.

So glad Barbie got some "nickmo"...ahhhhhhh, I haven't heard that term in ages.

Maybe, we love each other so much because we both secretly feel we could trump some of Hollywood's greatest talent!

Jon Dubyk said...

I remember the proposal...and the hugs stinkin' ring! That thing was heavy...just wanted you to know that I still love you! Your blog is great.

Kelly said...

I don't remember the proposal but I remember the 4 million subsequent surprises that only serve to tick you off now adays. Maybe Geoff should go back to skittles.

I like movies and restaurants alone too. I knew your movie thing, didn't realize the restaurant thing. I just thought you liked to yell the order from the drivers window.

We should go sometime and sit on opposite ends, chatting on the phone across the room. No seriously, can't believe we haven't already.

Jackie said...

I started reading this on google reader..I thought I was reading Kelly's blog. I decided that I had to go to the blog.. the pictures needed to be seen on their site. So I went to Kelly's and they weren't there.. What! Where did it go..I was only to #3...so I went back to google reader & did a search on 7 things...and saw that it was you Laundry Queen...whew the terror of not getting the full scoop on Barbie & the 6 million dollar man. Is nickmo a made up Laundry Queen word..I call my youngest Jackmo..is that wrong?

Kelly said...

Jackie, I didn't realize you were THAT old! Or is it just that you were raised by Gentiles so kissing before marriage was allowed and you didn't need an acronym for breaking the law of chastity.

Non Commital Make Out=NiCkMO

Jackie said...

Kelly, we just weren't allowed to dance. But since the dance of the day was the Funky Chicken..it was a no brainer.

nic said...

Thanks for fielding the nickmo question for me, Kelly. I couldn't remember what it stood for, but do remember enjoying it a lot.

I'm also game for an alone/together lunch date any time. (Although, I am pretty good when it comes to yelling at the fast food machine through the window.)