Tuesday, February 19

Gone baby, gone.

The title of this post does not refer to the recent movie directed by actor Ben Affleck and starring his little brother Casey Affleck - (Rated R, haven't seen it, although it has created a bit of Oscar buzz). No, sadly, it refers to my brain.

Tonight is Scouts for the boys. Logan's Wolf badge has been sitting in the 'junk bowl' on the counter for what seems like forever. So, I decide I am going to be Super Productive Mom today and finally get it patched onto his shirt. I pull out the "Badge Magic" and get it on lickety split. I was also thinking what a great kid Logan is because he has never nagged me to put the patch on and is probably feeling different from all the rest of his den each Tuesday night, but still doesn't bother me to put it on. So, while applying the badge, I am chiding myself for not doing this ages ago because it only took two seconds, I notice that there already is a Wolf badge on and I have just put the second badge where his Bear badge should go.

How the heck did we get two Wolf badges?!? And when did I put the first one on? Then I realize that Logan is in the Bear den and finished the Wolf thing at the end of last school year.

So, I pull off the second Wolf badge and am left with a perfect diamond of glue on the shirt ready to collect lint and dirt and who knows what for the next few months until we get a Bear badge to cover it up. (Now for sure he won't feel different from the rest of the den.) And how long is it going to take me to get the Bear badge on...? Sheesh.

Now I have an ice pack on the glue diamond in hopes of peeling it off. I figure it took heat to apply it, maybe cold will UN-apply it. Maybe? What do I try next, peanut butter? (I'm half kidding.)

So much for being Super Productive Mom. I won't make that mistake again! I will say, however, that the Badge Magic (sold at your local Scout shop) is awesome and works great!


Lauren in GA said...

You are a fantastic blogger. Truly! I loved the title. I agree, my brain is gone, too. I have a similar junk bowl with patches to be adhered to Evan's shirt (those blasted little arrow ones...blech).

At first, when I read the title and saw the scout shirt, I thought that you were posting about how your son is so old that he is already a Cub Scout...and no longer a baby...but, I like where you went with your title even more!

A moment of silence for our dead brains...

Okay, as you were...carry on...

Kelly said...

I procrastinated badges on Jack's shirt forever. When I finally went to do it, he already had the appropriate badges! Turns out he must have taken his shirt off one day (it is cool in our den to wear a tshirt under, then they are always taking their shirts off and getting them lost or mixed up) and then left with someone elses. No one will fess up to having Jack's and no one has asked about the one we have. So I guess that's a gift. No patching for me!

Badge Magic is the best. High time they come up with something like that!

I've got to get all of our shirts up to date. Wells' has outgrown his shirt. I am buying all new patches rather than trying to take the old ones off. I'm lazy and a spendthrift. Sunday is my favorite day of the year! Friends of Scouting! Blech.

Denise said...

I could seriously kiss whoever invented Badge Magic. I struggled with (poorly) hand-sewing patches on my older boy's shirt, and he struggled with having to wear the thing after I butchered it. Okay, he didn't care, but I did. BM saved my bacon. Oh, and yes, my younger son is trying to earn his Bear right now, and still I haven't attached his Wolf badge, even though I don't have to sew it anymore. I'm not even sure where it is now. I totally get it.

Lauren in GA said...

Heh, heh, Denise said, "BM saved my bacon".

What is the matter with me? I am going to go grow up.

Jackie said...

I's stick a little mirror sticker over that glue spot and say Logan's being reflective about his scouting experiences.

Lori said...

Nicole, I feel you. Last Thurs was our blue and gold. I decidedto be super mom and glue on the troop numbers. Yes, the troop numbers. Eli has been wearing a badge-free blue shirt since January.

I found the badge madge but I can't find the troop numbers. It's probably for the best, because I can't remember if they are supposed to go 3822 or 3228.

The stake primary pres put a special paragraph in her helpful long boring cub scout document about please don't start your kid before he's eight even if he's the only second grader in the neighborhood with a birthday after the first of the year and the shy little boy in the neighborhood said he would go only if Eli goes and you are the primary lady over cubs and if the cub master is making you do all the work your boy might as well start early. Do you think she was aiming that at me, or just generalizing?

nic said...

Lori, I'm sure it was generalizing. Totally. Generalizing.

Hurrah for Scouting!