Thursday, February 14

Happy Freakin' Valentine's Day

The kids and I had a great day. Every one woke up to a valentine card at breakfast with love from mom, along with heart-shaped pancakes served on red plates with valentine napkins!

Dressed up for "Fancy Nancy" day (Maren) and armed with bags full of treats, party supplies and goodies all around, we were out the door at 7:15 am! (Yes, heart shaped pancakes at 6:30 in the MORNING - that's how dedicated I am!)

After all the kids were gone, Samy and I made heart-shaped brownies and chocolate chip cookies for all our friends and neighbors (Okay, I baked the stuff while she watched Wonderpets and Dora - less mess. But she helped bag it all!) Then it was off to school for Logan and Maren's parties. Christian was perfect, strapped into the Bjorn. Samy sat at Logan's desk and acted better than some of the third graders. I just left her there while I went to Maren's party. (The teacher is very cool.)

I served up ice cream sundaes for Maren's class, and then led games for Logan's class. Dropped off our baked goodies to friends on the way home from school, and ordered Papa John's heart shaped pizza for dinner. When I got home, there was a box on the doorstep with a beautiful bouquet of roses from Geoff.

Poor Geoff. He called at about this time to tell me how his day had gone:

Usually he flies home from the west coast on a midnight flight Thursday night. He gets home at about 6:30 am on Friday. Well, this week, he was going to surprise us and he had scheduled a 12:00 noon flight today so that he could be home and have dinner with us on Valentine's Day (He's way more sentimental about this day than I could ever hope to be!). Well, he got on the plane at noon, beautiful blue skies and not a cloud in site. During take off, a bird flew into the engine and sparks went flying!!!

A BIRD! Can you imagine!?! What luck. Needless to say, the flight didn't go on as scheduled. Poor Geoff. The best laid plans..... So, instead of being home for dinner, he sat in an airport for five hours until they could get him on a different flight and will supposedly be home about midnight. How about that! Like I said, happy freaking Valentine's Day! Bless his heart. On the bright side, he'll get to sleep in his own bed one extra night this weekend. Woo-hoo!


Lauren in GA said...

That blasted bird! Geoff gets major points for all of the effort. Nic, you amaze me with all that you accomplish. You have a newborn...but you don't miss a beat! I need to take a nap just thinking about all that you do :)

Kelly said...

If that is not the story of Geoff's life! A bird in the engine; I mean it isn't the 3rd Nephite in the swollen flood waters, but it is still classic Geoff. The best part is he never gives up. He'll have an even better surprise next time with another good story.

You do a pretty great job too. I know how exhausting that holiday schedule is (ok, and I lived 1/2 of it with you on the phone today) but you always swoop into the room, easy, breezy, beautiful, Super Mom!

Amanda D said...

How crazy that a bird flew into the plane. I can't imagine.

I am so impressed that you did heart shaped pancakes! and helped in your kids classes. I am such a slacker. It sounds like you were busy, but it sounds fun too!

Jackie said...

I read that post and all I could think of was the athletic and stunning Wonder Woman, the amazonian princess who left the island of Themyscira and came to America to fight for justice and right all wrongs. Surely you are related!
Why didn't you pull on that red white & blue suit & fly to Geoff?

Lucy said...

That is the way it goes. I'm glad you enjoyed your day still. Because that's really what's it about. Love and effort and all that jazz;).

nic said...

All the nice comments are very sweet, but undeserving, because obviously I don't report on the other six days each week when I sit at the computer all day inbetween loads of laundry. Sorry to ruin the nice image of me!

Jackie, in my mind I keep picturing me in a wonder woman costume and can't stop laughing. The best is when I picture that, all in an invisible jet flying through the air. Can't stop laughing...

Barb said...

Poor Geoff! You sure had a busy day making it special for your kids, you are a super school mom!