Monday, February 4

The End of a Great Era

For Family Home Evening last night, I printed a coloring page with President Hinckley on one side and "my feelings about President Hinckley..." on the other. Our lesson was to journal about our impressions of President Hinckley with his passing away on our minds. It was a good reason to contemplate what a great man and prophet of the Lord he was.

For me, I think the best part about our dear Prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley, was that whether it was via satellite, in a giant conference center, or a baseball stadium, I feel like he made every single person within earshot of his voice feel like we were his most favorite grandchild. That is a huge feat and great accomplishment.

One of my favorite memories of him was during the dedication of the Houston, Texas Temple, he said that as he was being driven to the temple, he looked around at the gigantic mansions surrounding the temple and said; "I hope none of these belong to any of our members!" His great wit will be greatly missed. What a great servant, example and man.

Now with the calling of the new First Presidency of the Church, I am excited for the gospel to go forward just as strong and true as ever. God bless President Monson and his counselors. These are exciting times.


Kelly said...

Oh come on, my house isn't THAT gigantic!

Lauren in GA said...

Thanks for that post, Nic :)

I loved his adorable sense of humor, too.

Love you!