Monday, July 7

What the heck!

For the past two days (of coarse over the weekend -- a holiday weekend) Samy has been complaining that her ear hurt. This kid has an incredible pain threshold, so when she says something hurts, it really does.

**(A little history: She gets four shots, two in each thigh, and doesn't bat an eye. She cracked her head open when she tripped (on her own feet) at school and had shots put into the deep opened wound on her forehead without the nurse having to hold down her hands or legs, never shedding a tear. She is a stud.)**

Although, she will cry a river if she scraps her knee. Anyway, high pain threshold....

So, this morning, I called the doctor to get her in because she still said her ear hurt, and then said the other one did too. And she had an elevated temperature. So, doctor would see us at 2:20 pm.

We see the doctor and she checks her out only to tell me that everything looks great and she doesn't see any problems or even any fluid in her ears at all. WHAT?!?

The doctor gave me a funny look when I told Samy that she owed me $30 for the co-pay. Dang. So what the heck is wrong with her ear? The doctor said maybe swimmers ear, so try ear plugs. I didn't get any. We went swimming this afternoon. Samy was the last one out of the pool. Ears must have miraculously healed. $30!


Denise said...

Of course it magically goes away *after* you've paid the doctor. Hmph.

I hope you put her $30 on the installment plan. She doesn't look like she has much income yet!

Kelly said...

Look how blonde her hair is getting this summer! So cute sitting there!

I was plagued miserably as a child with swimmers ear. I have so much empathy for the ear aches. Especially the aches that clear up as you are forking over the $30. I remember this happening to me all the time, but the pain was so real!

I suggest getting the swimming ear drops at the pharmacy, over the counter, ask the pharmacist. It makes a difference. Drop a few drops in after swimming and it clears up any ear ache causing water.

Poor strong Samy.

{krista} said...

Maybe she just really really likes doctors? What a stud! I really hope it's nothing though... I had earaches a lot as a kid, though it would have had to include blood and near death to get a doctors visit!

Jackie said...

It's think they are sick so you go to the doctor...nothing....and then when you think it's's something..that happens to Kelly ALL THE TIME.

I'm glad Samy's ears are better!

Lauren in GA said...

She is so adorable! Truly, truly adorable.

Her inner ears are not adorable, though...I feel your 30 dollar co-pay pain. ;)

I bet you it was swimmers ear...that can hurt like the dickens. We finally had to get those ear drying drops...they are basically rubbing alcohol in a convenient package that makes putting it in their ears easier but, it has worked wonders for the ear problems around here.

Barb said...

Here in Canada we don't pay or co-pay for doctor's visits. I do have my own hurdle and that is that our wonderful doctor lives on the other side of the city. With the gas prices I feel like I've got to be good and sure that my kids are sick before I take them, and I might start charging them gas money for false alarms. Ha!