Monday, July 7

Random photos

The following are some of the high adventure and breathtaking things we've been doing over the summer:

We got into Webkinz when Maren got one from a friend for her birthday. Logan and "Blisterz" have been hanging out and doing a lot of reading.

Maren and Samantha have been constructing. I bought a set of cheap blocks a long time ago to pull out on a day when we needed something "constructive". It worked nicely.

This photo was not staged at all. He did it himself. Christian has been into EV RY THING!

Uncle Benn just came for a visit. (The Dodgers were in town to be beaten by the Astros), and thankfully, Benn fixed the child gate so that the stairs can be blocked off again -- I guess I'm not too good at finding studs (except for you, of coarse, Geoff).

We've been visiting local museums. This is the Natural Science Museum. Not a great picture. But we had a pretty good time. We go pretty regularly, but not enough to get bored of the same things. We buy family passes to the museums for the summer because they are air conditioned outings that don't require spending any other money. (You go twice and the pass is paid for!) The kids think the gift shops are just another display room. I am letting them believe.

Maren and Samy have been in swimming lessons this past week. The lessons actually started last week, but their brainless mom was a week off. (DERRRR!)

Finally, SWIMMING. The weather has been gorgeous and not very humid. Awesome neighbors have pretty much given us free reign of their house and pool whether they are home or not. So we spend every non-rainy afternoon at their house. They really are the greatest.

It's been a tough summer (sarcasm). We have worked hard on these tans. It's rough over here.
We're gearing up for an actual family vacation (with all of us together -- and without Geoff's computer -- GEOFF?!...) at the beginning of August. It's been a while, so I'm excited. Samy is afraid to get on a plane. She has been told we are driving. We will drive. To the airport..... It will all be okay when she is told that she gets to hold and watch the protable DVD player for the duration of the flight.


Denise said...

Ooh, where are you going??? I'm glad you're getting a vacation, after all that hard work swimming, and tanning, and wandering through air-conditioned museums. You clearly need a break.

The boy-in-the-cupboard picture is classic! And my ds wants that frog webkinz for his birthday, but I couldn't find one. I didn't look too hard, lol. He already has several others, and I'm tired of tracking them down.

You just called your husband a stud for all the world to see. He owes you big!

{krista} said...

I love the pic of the baby in the cupboard. Just too funny!!!

Vacation? Vacation? What's that? Have a GREAT time!!!

Jackie said...

Sounds and looks like fun!
Is it weird that I totally know where you are going on vacation?

We appear to be stay-cating. The neighbors have offered pictures from their African Safari for the "What I did this Summer" papers.

Lauren in GA said...

I love that picture of Christian in the cupboard! He was totally caught red handed, as it were...Actually, I loved all of the pictures...what a good boy Logan is to read and let his froggy enjoy reading, too.

I loved your stud finding comment to Geoff, too...heh, heh, heh...

You are such a great and witty writer. I loved the, "constructive" construction projects! Great play on words, my dear. :)

Unknown said...

Samantha confessed to me that her big concern that she has about flying is that the plane might fly upside down... I assured her that we should be OK... now bird injestion - that is a different issue