Monday, July 28

Family Prayer

(Eric and Logan are hanging out at Kelly's having an extended frat party)

Samy: "Please don't let the boys come home because they hurt Maren's feelings."

Maren: "Please bless dad to let him know that we love him even though he makes bad choices"

Um, is there something she knows that I don't? Geoff?


Kelly said...

Ouch Samy! The boys were as nice as could be to me, maybe Maren needs to indulge whims and lay down a little cash every once in a while? I dunno, works for me.

Did you ask Maren what Geoff's bad choices were?

Lauren in GA said...

Ohhhhhhhhhh, intriguing prayer Maren offered, there!!

Samy's little prayer was funny and cute...I loved Kelly's response to it.

Guess What!!!!???? We are going to have a rendezvous with Geoffy Geoff this Thursday!! Don't worry, bad choices will be made...I will be there to chaperone, and I will make SURE Geoff and Mike don't start kissing....again ;)

Is there any chance you can come to the rendezvous? I mean...I know you have the kids and all, but...if there was a way I WOULD kiss you!

Denise said...

*choke* Daddy's in trouble now! ROFL!

Jackie said...

That is funny..I'm sure it's a bad food choice..fries vs. spinach..

Unknown said...

I would say "in my defense" but I do not know what to defend... remember, this is the same girl who bore testimony of her dad drinking alcohol on his mission... she hasn't perfected her eavesdropping skills