Friday, July 25

It took me 45 minutes... shower and get ready for the day. While I was doing that, the kids got hold of the camera:

They also changed a poopy diaper. Luckily this was the only picture of that whole thing:

Then they got all jiggy with it, including putting on kangaroo and Koala sweaters in 100 degree weather:

(They really like the curls at the back of Christian's hair.)

I was oblivious to all of it. It's a good thing they are good kids, though, because if you are smart enough to take pictures of the crime scene....


Denise said...

Clever kids, cute kids, but most of all, kids who change poopy diapers while you're in the shower. That's golden!

Lauren in GA said...

Those pictures are so fabulous! I have to say that I think they have an eye for photography.

"they got all jiggy with it"...heh, heh, are a crack up.

I am loving those curls on the back of Christian's head, too :)

and those are some adorable kangaroos...but, how long did it take for the heat stroke to set in?

Kelly said...

That really is amazing that you have them changing diapers. And that you didn't have a whole different post about cleaning up the poopy diaper change later.

Love C's little eye wink, grimace look. What's up with the new face? I like how he totally thinks he's one of the gang and mugs for the camera.