Thursday, July 24


I've been having a hard time getting to blog during the summer. I have random thoughts and stories and things to share, but when the kids are finally in bed at the end of the day, and away from my computer, my brain can't remember what was for dinner let alone what I was going to write about. So, I'm just going to journal and blab about what we've been up to. We really aren't as busy as I make it sound, it's just minutia.

Summer Camps

Logan and Maren have been at a community college "Kids College" this week where they have been writing and preforming a play, making pottery, and cheer leading (not Logan) and other things. They have been in heaven. And I have been in heaven with Eric babysitting the two youngest! It's been a fun week for everyone. Well, maybe not Eric, but whatever, I have spent plenty of money on him this week, and really, that's what it's all about...


So, we're driving to the book store today and I actually had control of the radio. Worse than grown-up music, I was listening to Rush Limbaugh (funny, Eric was getting into it -- I'm working on the conservative brain washing, he has too many left leaning teachers at school). He was talking about the blatant media bias on favor of Barack Obama and all the coverage of him in the Middle East. People referring to Obama as being the 'Redeemer of Politics in America', etc... I almost had to roll down the window and lose my lunch. Then he started to play soundbites from a speech Obama made in Berlin, Germany recently. Oh my! (and I do recognize that Rush is biased the other way, and playing only what he wants us to hear and all that, but still Oh My!)

First Barack -- who wants to be the commander in Chief of the United States of America -- pretty nicely (and eloquently of coarse) bashed our country and called himself a "citizen of the world" not one country. And all that's fine and all, but it was very snide and clever the way that he pretty much went "Dixie Chick" to the Germans; pretty much apologizing for America's behavior. For me, the worst of all was when he almost echoed remarks by President Ronald Reagan about "tearing down the [invisible] wall[s]". In my opinion, you have no right to lambaste the President of the United States and the Republican party in one breath then pretty much quote a Republican former President in the next.

Okay, I know at least one reader who is going to get all up in my face about how lousy W has been for this country, but I can write what I want. It's my blog.

Anyway, I was pretty disgusted. And mind you, I am NOT a John McCain lover (or liker, really) but I actually agree with some of the things that he says and stands for. Nothing with Obama. Oh wait, I do agree with Change and Hope and 'Yes We Can', I'd just like to know what Changes there will be, what we are Hoping for and what we Can do.

So, we go into the bookstore to the children/youth section and as I browse the isles, I come upon (without looking hard at all) not one but two separate biographies of Barack Obama (remember, we are in the children's section!). Then I looked hard to find anything about John McCain or even anything about George W. Bush (positive or negative) and couldn't find a dang thing. Nothing. No bias in the media! The funniest part of all is when the mainstream media get all hot and bothered about talk radio and Fox News being too conservative biased. Whatever. At least the right side has a couple outlets. Okay. I'm done.

I'm Middle-aged

The doctor, the other day, said it was about time that I start getting mammograms. I said, okay, sure, why not. So bam!, he sent me to radiology and there it was. I'm pretty tough. I think I have Samy's pain threshold, so it wasn't as terrible as I've heard others describe it being. In fact on Good Morning America just the other day, there was a segment about the need/want to apply a local anaesthetic before a mammogram because it was that painful. I think it must be more painful for those lucky ladies who "have more to examine" (if you get my drift) than I do.

The only "painful" part about it was coming to the realization that I am old enough to need the exam. So, I thought about that for a minute or two; decided I couldn't get a convertible BMW to go with a mid-life crisis; and got over it. I'm done with that.

Well Helloooo Dolly!

The other day at 5 am, as hurricane Dolly rolled towards Brownsville, Texas, we were greeted by her outer bands. So, with the lightening and thunder rolling, waiting for the inevitable pitter/patter of one or two pairs of scarred little feet, I had Carol Channing stuck in my head. The only problem was that all I know is the first two lines of the song. And it kept going on in my head over and over and over again...

We ended up with only one person in our bed and got to sleep in until after seven what with the gloomy sky and all. It turned out nice.

Dolly has also produced a couple of rainy, wet days that have been great for guilt-free days spent at home watching too much TV, playing electronics, and a lot of reading. Yippee!

Pictures of Summer

Following are random pictures to go with my randomness post about what we've been doing during some of the dog days...

Check out his hands. Adorable baby is getting to be quite naughty. It's a good thing we think he is the cutest baby in the world!

Samy's current obsession is ring pops, then insisting that I take a picture of her blue mouth.

One day we were bored and hot, so we decided to go to Academy (sporting goods store) and loiter and take out our frustrations on the bag.

Now I'm tired. Hopefully it won't be another week before I get back to this. My people need to let me have more turns on my laptop!


Kelly said...

I love loitering in stores. Q and I did it at B&N today.
Ooh, and now you have the new Bass Pro, you have a lot of loitering places to go!

My first mamo was two years ago, how come you got to wait so long? I didn't feel a thing. Is it because my mammys are so deflated it's just two pieces of skin with some air in the middle? Or have they refined the test so it is less hurty? I had the option to pay an extra $5 for a special non hurty mat to lay 'em on. Maybe I got my monies worth? I think it is the first, just deflated.

There is a reason you couldn't find any books about what W's done right! ;) I just said it because you were expecting it!

{krista} said...
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{krista} said...

Not a W lover, not a Mc-lover, certainly not an Obama lover... I just hate politics. We need to start all over with this race, me thinks.

I'm glad Dolly didn't hit. I'm glad it wasn't me getting the mammygram (never had one, dreading it). Woohoo for summer camp! And I love adorable babies.

Kelly said...

Kris, start all over with the human race or just this political season?

Jackie said...

Cute pictures..rumour has it W and Laura are buying a home in Dallas..she doesn't want to live on the ranch full time....
I don't like career politicians..I think we need a leader of business..I want President Buffett or President needs to be cleaned.

Denise said...

How funny, I just posted an Obamabash on my blog today. I'm pretty tired of the media's love affair, too.

I think I have to get my first mammo this year. I'm turning *gulp* forty. 4-0. Two score. I've been putting off my appt, but I'm sure they'll send me for a baseline. Bleh.

Lauren in GA said...

I loved this post!

There is so much to comment on...I hardly know where to begin!!

I just love your social and political commentary.

And, I love the picture of that quite, "naughty baby" as you put it. So, so, so, sweet. He is so CUTE!

And, I love the blue lips on Samy...

Yeah...I have to start getting mammograms...'cause if you are middle aged... then I am middle aged plus 1 year 'cause I am older.
I am glad you said that it isn't that painful because that is all that I ever hear.

I want to go boxing in Academy with you. Then we can re-live the mission days and wrestle ;)

Lori said...

note to self: never let Nicole know you have read both of those Obama biographies and you voted for him in the primary, or she might not want to be your e-mail friend anymore.

liberal elitist tree hugger Gore lover Bush HATER espresso drinker (well, not really, just a lot of diet coke) registered democrat who drives an SUV owns a boat lives in a house with a carbon footprint the size of Sasquatch. Because nothing says live the values you spout like a $220/month electric bill.

I've had one mammogram and it didn't hurt a bit, so I'll subscribe to the theory that the less you have, the less it hurts. I'll let you know if it hurts next year...