Thursday, July 17

New Addiction

I've gotten into Netflix recently and l. o. v. e. it! I've almost caught up on all the recent movies that I wanted to see in the theater and never got around to. Last night's feature was La Vie En Rose. Kelly told me not to bother with it (she knows me well), but I couldn't resist seeing the adorable girl (Marion Coutillard) that won the academy award last year, so I got it anyway.

First off, I don't have the attention span for subtitles. It is not easy for me to look at the picture and read the words at the same time. So that was the first hurdle. Next hurdle was that it is a very dark movie. Yes, dramatic and depressing-dark, but I mean literally, it was dark. How the heck are you supposed to see what's going on in the film when you can't see the people? I know it's the new 'thing' in film making (along with the bouncy, motion-sickness inducing shaky camera), and maybe it saves on the set expense, but I don't get it. So with it being dark, and me having to try to read and see the pictures at the same time, it was not an easy watch.

When it was over and I turned it off, my first thought was that it was kind of depressing. But I guess if they made a movie about an upstanding, happy, non-addicted artist who was faithful to her spouse and didn't mess up other peoples marriages, it wouldn't win many awards or make any money. It was a tragic story, and amazing what this lady came from to rise to such status among the French (and the world).

Then this morning, I looked Edith Piaf up on Wikipedia and learned a bit more about her - she was tiny (4'10" - which is why she was called the little Sparrow (Piaf)). I decided that she was kind of cool (for a really messed up chick). I also kind of liked some of her songs.

Overall, the movie - with a Wikipedia and YouTube chaser - was pretty good IF one can read and watch at the same time. The best actress Oscar for Coutillard was deserved, I thought.

Here's my new favorite Edith Piaf song (I also like checking out the pianist. Apparently this guy wrote the song. He's fun to watch - I love when he pounds out the notes.):


Lauren in GA said...

I am guessing that Mike would never want to watch this movie with me...he would consider it a chick flick gone bad or something but, now I am seriously interested. You know how I love to pretend I am cultured and view oscar worthy performances.

Lauren in GA said...

Hey...I saw, "Becoming Jane" about Jane Austen...with the little goat man ;)

It made me so, so, so, sad!

Kelly said...

I love Netflix too. Did you know there is a company that sends video games just like Netflix sends movies? We tried it once, cool, except it is all I can do to get my Netflix back and my library books back, I can't keep up with the kids rentals too!