Wednesday, March 12

My baby is a genius

He looks all sweet and innocent and typical almost-seven-month-old, but underneath, there are things going on in that head that I'm afraid to even think about. You can just tell by the look in his eyes that he is watching you and taking everything in. Then I walk into the living room one day and happen upon this:

That's Harry Potter 3! I could barely make it through Number 2 before I just couldn't handle the children who wouldn't obey the rules and had to close the book for good. Maybe Christian is getting ideas.....

Logan, on the other end of the spectrum, has found a new use for the Bumbo.


Denise said...

*gasp* You're telling me you read the first two Harry Potter books and then.....just.....quit? You didn't pre-order the sequels from Amazon and eagerly devour them in one weekend?

Oh well. We'll always have Galaxy Quest, anyway. *sniff*

Lauren in GA said...

That was "laugh out loud" funny as they say! Look at that baby's concentration as he reads!

I like Logan's shirt...I wish their was a town in Utah named, "Lauren"

Kelly said...

Wait how did I miss commenting on this? OK, that baby! Cuter! He's just so perfectly posed. And Logan, what is there to say. Just repeat his name in that growly voice LOGAN!