Friday, March 14


Denise posted this "tag" and I am new to blogging and don't know the ins and outs of being tagged, so I considered myself tagged because it looked like fun to do.

Here are the rules:

1. Grab the book closest to you.
2. Open to page 123. Go down to the fifth sentence.
3. Post the text of the next three sentences on your blog.
4. Name the book and author.

"But for Nephi it wasn't enough to hear his father's words. He had to know the truth for himself, to be sure he would know the way. Nephi taught about the loving God who has provided a way for us to come home:"

To Draw Closer To God by Henry B. Eyring

So, now I am tagging Rebecca, Lauren, and Kelly. You're it!


Denise said...

LOL! I didn't tag anyone because I was too lazy to put all their links on there. Now you know my dirty little secret. So I'm glad you tagged yourself! It looks like you're reading a much deeper book than I am.

Jackie said...

hey..I didn't no you had to be tagged..I just copied & tag backs...

Lauren in GA said...

Okie Dokie...I can do this one...

Love Ya!