Friday, March 21

Happy Birthday, Samy!

Four years ago this day, I went to church and learned that my friend Emily, who was due to have her baby weeks after me, had had her baby on Friday. I was ticked! So after church, I went home and laid on the couch and willed myself to feel contractions. At about 2 or 3 that afternoon, I had convinced myself that I was in labor and made arrangements for the other children's care, and Geoff and I were off to the hospital.

After an hour or so, the doctor on call came in and said; "You know, you're not really in hard labor..." Humm! I acted totally surprised. She said, though, that since I had a previous C-section, it would be better to stay at the hospital rather than go home and risk rupturing there. Fine by me!

A couple more hours, and we had our fourth child and second girl. We had no idea what to name her and finally had a family vote the day we were to leave the hospital. Samantha won out over the other options because she could be called "Samy" as in Sammy Sosa (the boys are huge baseball fanatics).

Now in the blink of an eye, that tiny baby is four years old!

We had a great day today. It started with gift opening as soon as everyone was out of bed, followed by a hot breakfast (yeah, that doesn't happen often, so I had to throw that in!).

Then as a special gift/Spring Break treat, I took the girls to the mall -- gotta break them in -- where we had lunch, walked through Macy's and the Children's Place (got Easter outfits), and finished up at Build a Bear Workshop. This was our first time. We had passed by several times and even gone in a couple, but I always told them we would save it for a special time. They were ecstatic and had the time of their life putting together a brown Bunny for Maren and a white Dog for Samantha. In the end it was a pretty penny, so yes, it will continue to be for very special occasions. But worth every cent!

The great day was ended with some birthday cake and playing with all her new birthday loot!

I sure love that little girl. She is so sweet and too dang smart for her own good.

Happy Birthday, Samy!


Lauren in GA said...

Yay, Happy Birthday Samy!!!!!!

I love the nickname, Samy. I love girls' names that are like that like, Stevie and Dani. I think they are Rock Star names!

Ladies and Gentlemen...Please, welcome to the stage...SAMY TONINI!

See what I mean? I love it!!

Kelly said...

That first picture of her by the cake is so sweet. I wish you could hear she sweet little voice coming from the picture too because it makes the perfect package.

Happy Birthday Samantha!

Jackie said...

You and Kelly have to come here & bring the girls so we can have a Tea party at the new American Girl Store...I want to go & Scot & the boys won't go with me.