Wednesday, April 2

Just a quick trip to the dentist

Every now and again, I throw off my bite or my jaw alignment - similar to my car that is always in need of an alignment. The car is in need because I tend to hit curbs. My jaw? Not hitting curbs with that, so I'm not quite sure how that one happens, but it does. So, a few months ago, I had bad pain in my jaw due to the said alignment issue (of my jaw, not car). I went to the dentist and he checked my bite and quickly and easily shaved off a bit of a tooth, smoothed it out and fixed the bite. I was good to go!

So, the past few days I have been experiencing the same problem again. Last night I woke up in so much pain that I actually cried. Today when I dropped Samy off at school, I decided that since I only had one child, I would call to see if I could get squeezed into the dentist. Went to the dentist, told him my problem. He said let's take a picture just in case. Took an X-ray (cutest little shield they put on the baby carrier!), and saw a very large "shadow" under a previous filling. This means my tooth is dead and "let's do a root canal". HELLLLO!

So, lickety split, he numbed my jaw. I fed Christian while it set in (luckily I had brought a bottle), and in about 20 minutes, I had a root canal. How awesome is that?!

I love this dentist and his staff. They babysat Christian while I had the procedure done. So, I'll go back in a week to have the temporary filling replaced by a permanent one and that will be that! Hopefully it will be the end of the pain for good.

Thinking about it, I think the bite problem was caused by me putting too much emphasis on one side of my mouth to compensate for the pain I felt on the root canal side. I'm thinking/hoping that that problem will now be taken care of on it's own as well.

The very worst part about all of this is that on the way to the dentist, I had just gotten a giant Diet Coke, and now with a numb mouth, I can't drink it. Such a shame to waste a good Diet Coke. It was from Sonic with the really good ice. Dang!


Kelly said...

I'm glad it all went so speedily, but when are you going to get a chance to slow down with no mis alignments or speed bumps! Calgon, kit kat bar, how about just a diet coke with good ice? I hope your evening is completely uneventful.

Jackie said...

Oh the horror of tooth pain in the middle of the night! I'm glad it's fixed! Was it a Route 44 that went to waste?

Lauren in GA said...

A wasted drink from Sonic is a travesty...I send my condolances.

I just had moment of silence for your wasted diet coke.

Aww, Nic...I am sorry you have been in pain. Modern dentistry is amazing :)

I am glad you didn't have it pulled and go for a partial...hardy har har...

nic said...

It was, in fact, a Route 44, as I am the proud owner of a very well used .99 cent window sticker. Woot!

Lauren, I fear that in the (hopefully) distant future, I will be in the market for a full set.

Emmy Summers said...

Ugh, a night of tooth problems is really bad! All that waiting makes one feel so miserable. It makes the trip to the dentist very satisfying, especially when the procedure is done quickly.