So I've started saying things like: "Heck, this is just half of them" or "Nah, they're great kids", and then register peoples shock when they actually are well behaved.
I'm going to sound bitter here, but this has been going on far too long and I'm annoyed. When I was pregnant with my third child, it was okay in people's minds (and they told me about it -- like old men in the grocery store told me...) because I had two boys and was "trying for a girl". Whatever! Like you can "try" for anything. As they say in preschool: "you get what you get, and you don't throw a fit!". So, then pregnant with the fourth, I was insane because I already "had my girl" so what was I having another one for. (Really was asked this question)
It really is quite amazing to me that, at least it has been my experience, people tend to make it seem like they think I just one day woke up to being in this 'predicament' with all these children and of coarse couldn't possibly have done this on purpose. The best is when at the open house for Samantha's mother's day out program this past September, one of the dads came in on some of the other parents and I talking about having my baby over the summer break (Christian was one or two weeks old at that point) and his wife says to him: "that's five", the man literally gasped and then in a big southern accent (which makes it all the better) says to me; "why didn't your husband stop you, woman!" I was shocked and almost couldn't come up with a reply and just said; "He was pretty well in on all of it."
Okay, here's my point/beef: Until I start asking you to feed my children or clothe them, or take care of them in any way, don't tell me that I have too many or can't do it. I'm not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, neither am I wealthy beyond need, but I am a pretty good mom, and I provide for my children everything they need and probably too much of what they want. The fact of the matter is that I do agree that five is a big lot of children for one family now days, but that's what we felt like we were supposed to do. Now, that being said, I will say that we are done. I don't feel like there are anymore little spirits up in the spirit world that we promised to bring into our family, but I really do feel like there were five, and here they are and I adore them all! (I will say here, that I reserve the right to bash (in writing) on any one of them, though, at any given time in future posts if they drive me to it -- which is highly possible seeing that we are quickly heading for the teen-aged years.) Back to the point: I fully believe there are some people who should/can/want to only have one child or two, or none -- whatever your magical number. Our magical number is five and that's just the way it is for us. Could you imagine if I went up to someone who only had one or two children and said: "That's all, huh? Slacker." I don't even think that. But it is amazing how people feel very free to make comment on my mental state because I have five children. Love it! Okay. I'm done.
I feel your pain...people are stopping me ALL THE TIME and saying the same thing to me because I have twins. And then they feel the need to say things like, "You're not having any more, are you?" Why is it so hard to believe? Point being, I love you, and this was a fun one to read! You should start calling people slackers...
You are hilarious! And, I agree! Why do people feel they need to make comments about the number of children you have! I get the "Three boys, huh? Are you gonna try for a girl?"
My favorite part of this post was the "That's all, huh? Slacker."
You are such a great blogger! So witty, and I adore your humor. My sister Stephanie and I read your blog together, over the phone, and belly laughed!
Thanks for commenting on my blog! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awe shucks. I love you guys too! This IS fun.
If your kids start misbehaving in Primary, I am going to say you have too many!
The world is lucky you procreated two or three too many times. You are the most wonderful mother, truly a shining example. I almost typed "perfect" but I stopped myself because the great thing about you is you aren't perfect (believe me I know!) but you still do the dang best job of any mom I have ever known.
Gushing over, so glad you are here!
Have I told you about this?
It's cute. I'm making people sing it at the shower tomorrow night. Did I tell you that?
Ahh! Such a glowing review from Kelly A.! She commented on my blog so now I adore her!
Kelly, everything I know about motherhood I owe to you. Sniff, sniff.
It's good to be out!
Hi Nicole, Kelly's sister here. If it makes you feel any better, we have been told more than three times that we are "selfish" for having "only two" kids.
Way to blog, gal! (you have five kids AND you blog? Heh--that was a joke)
I get comments all the time about having three boys. "Are you going to try for a girl?" And the endless "handful" comments (although...they are usually well timed as my youngest is lunging out of the cart to get his hands on any sort of brightly wrapped piece of candy).
Looking forward to your wit. I have it on good authority that you have more where that came from. (from Kelly...that is. I don't want you to think I'm some strange stalker. Although I have nothing against them personally, right Kelly?):)
Thanks for comments, Lori and Lucy (it's a pleasure to meet you). I'm totally nervous. This is pressure to preform! Just kidding. I like the outlet, though.
Amen to that! I have a girl and boy and everyone thinks that is perfect and dont need anymore, but were on #3 and who knows! I came from a family with six!
By the way, kelly a sent me over!
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