Wednesday, June 18

A touch of freedom

This is a catch-up post from the beginning of this month:

It is no secret that I think my baby is perfect and beautiful and adorable and I love him more than words can express. But I have to say that him being gone for the weekend was AWESOME!

Geoff took Christian to Virginia to visit his parents and sister. Can I just tell you how free I felt with only four children?! No naps to work around, no one needed special food or drink, and no one needed a diaper. Everyone could walk. We had a great time.

We swam (and I didn't have to keep my eyes on anyone continually), we went places at any given time of the day. Everyone was able to get in and out of the car by themselves. It was fun, fun, fun.

On Saturday, we went to the beach. There was no way I was taking a baby to the beach -- on a Saturday -- to crawl around in the dirty sand and eat seaweed (one of the lovely 'advantages' of the gulf at Galveston is that seaweek washes up like nothing else!).

There was a Sandcastle building contest, so we and awesome neighbors loaded up and headed out to the gulf. Growing up on Southern California beaches has totally ruined any appreciation I may have had for the beach at Galveston, so I just hate it. When people come to visit and ask to go to the beach and see the gulf, I say, okay, but it's gross and dirty and yucky. I took Clay there and when we left, I asked what he thought. He said: "Well, it was exactly like you described it!"

Anyway, I digress. It had been years since I had taken the kids to the beach. It is kind of like childbirth, wherein, after a year or two, you forget the pain and ugliness of it and are ready to do it again. So I was ready to go to the beach. It was yucky, gross and nasty, but way more tolerable than it would have been had we had a baby with us. The Sandcastles were pretty neat to see being built, and Logan got to fly a kite. We really did enjoy ourselves. It was packed with people, but I think with my new freedom, I was in a better state of mind to handle it.

In the end, Geoff and Christian returned on Sunday and at seeing the sweet little man, I have to say, although I didn't miss him while he was gone, I was very glad to have him back. (And Geoff too, but I'm just used to him being gone all the time...)


Kelly said...

Good times! You know, I used to be the beach loving fool, even if it was Galveston. The older I get though (or is it the more miles we live from the water), and the more bacteria in the water warnings pop up on the news, the more that doesn't look fun at all. That picture of Maren looks hot, not as in she's a sexy little thing, but she just looks down right steaming up in the suffocating humidity.

Although, if I was there digging in the sand I'd decide I loved it, it's the prep work that gets me down.

Cute group pic!

Lauren in GA said...

I know what you mean...I want another baby and sometimes I am like...what am I doing? Everyone can their carseat...carry their gear, by themselves! Why would I jinx that...but, you know what I mean when you I say, "you just know when it's time"

I loved the pictures! I can't believe how everyone has grown. Eric and Logan are MEN!

Denise said...

Look how cute you all are! I totally understand what you're saying. I love my M, but I will move heaven and earth to go grocery shopping without her, forget the beach! It looks like a fun day, disgusting beach notwithstanding.

Jackie said...

I saw the castles on the news and I thought how FUN. The beach is yucky can our gulf be so gross and in Alabama and Florida the beaches are some of the most beautiful in the world?
Why can't we bring in that sugar sand?

I bet the grandparents and aunt enjoyed the visit with Christian!

I love all the pictures!