Wednesday, June 18

Only in Texas

I love the south! We were headed out for a fun day at Kelly's house. Had to be gone so the people could clean the house. Pulled out of the garage only to find that one of the front tires of the van was flat as a pancake. So, I pumped up the tire (have a portable tire pump -- experience...) and drove slowly to Wal-Mart (my most favorite place in the world) to get the flat fixed.
Dylan at Wal-Mart said they would fix the tire and it would take about an hour and a half. So, we called awesome neighbor who made two shuttles because she only had the five seater car. In the meantime, we got happy meal breakfasts (only because they had good Kung Fu Panda toys that we haven't gotten yet) to wait for the shuttle. So, here's why I love the South:
We're waiting in Wal-Mart McDonald's when a man comes up and is cooing over Christian and says things like. "You're going to play for the NFL, aren't you?" "Such a happy boy, ain't ya?" Things like that. So, then as he's walking away, his parting words are: "I know why you're so happy, cause Hillary didn't get elected."
Amid my laughter, I said "Yes, sir!"


{krista} said...

Oh, that's funny!

Lauren in GA said...

That is hilarious, Nic! When we moved to Georgia I saw all of these bumper stickers that said, "W" THE President. I had never seen them anywhere up north and Virginia isn't even that much more, "North" than Virginia.

Kelly said...

Maybe he's happy because he knows it's only a matter of months until the doofus is finally packing his bags and hitting the road for Crawford, hopefully never to be heard from again.

Jackie said...

He should have said..
"I know why you're so happy, cause Hillary didn't get elected yet."

Those Clinton's..they're tricky.

Is it wrong that I was kind of enjoying the possibility of Bill being First Lady?

On a side note, I have been receiving very rude Michele O. emails all coming from the Deep South..which should be Democrat Land.

McCain is looking very pastey it the wrong shade of makeup or is he tired?