Saturday, May 3

It was bound to happen

So today I am at a party with my four year old and the dad of the birthday boy says to the group of us near by: "You all haven't met Chrystal (can't remember her name exactly), she's my second wife. Our families do everything together. You could call us Mormons". Chuckles, as I raise my hand, as in protest, "Hold on!" I say, "I'm a Mormon." A hush falls over the crowd as everyone turns into deer in the headlights. I said: "I'm wearing pants, I cut and color my hair, I have one husband and he has one wife. Those people have nothing to do with the Mormon faith." The dad is now muttering things about oh, well just call us West Texans then.... I didn't know.... blabber, blabber, blabber.

I totally wasn't mad and said all that in a very light manner, but it just had to be said. And I totally got the crowds undivided attention for my announcement. But come on! You have to be a complete imbecile to think the people with the pastel dresses and hair high to be close to Jesus are Mormons. Hopefully there are four or five less ignorant people in the world.

The dad apologized a couple more times before we left. I loved it, to be honest. It really is good when you can put someone in their place like that. It just had to be done.

I loved it even more because this is the same dad who, upon learning that I have five children shouted, "Good lord, woman! Why didn't your husband stop you?!" I said; "He was pretty involved in the process of having the five children."


Kelly said...

Smack Down! Yes! I love it! This dad has proven himself one to many times to be a little bit ignorant in his guffaws. Love that he might be on the look out for what he says in the future. Probably not, but at least you displayed intelligence and decorum.

Love it! "Love the color my hair, wear pants, one husband/wife", oh yeah and restored gospel/plan of Salvation part that's act two. It's best to save that for when he comes up with Temple quips I guess.

Jackie said...

I picked up Time at the airport today because I like the idea of sitting on the plane with Time rather than Us..there was an article on the Pastel People. One father was interviewed, he had come to Texas for DNA testing in an attempt to get his kids back..but he hasn't seen his kids in years..

Interesting article in Time, except for they call these people from YFZ ranch "sects of Mormon fundamentalists". That is misleading.

Lauren in GA said...

Nic, that was brilliant! I am so glad you said something and I agree with Kelly, you said it in such intelligence and decorum.

I LOVE what you said to him about your husband being involved in the process of having 5 children, too. You are AWESOME, Gretch! Love, YOU!

Denise said...

Go Nic! I have noticed that the news has been much better than in the past about calling them a "polygamous sect" or something similar, instead of Mormon Fundies. But there are still a lot of misconceptions out there.

I don't look good in pastels, myself.

Barb said...

I am very much vicariously enjoying the moment.