Wednesday, May 7

What up.

We've been cruising along. I've actually been up to my neck in Cub Scout papers. I agreed, for the second year in a row, to be the District Day Camp Registrar. I actually like it. I can be at camp with my kids but not have to be in charge of group of rowdy, stinky, sweaty boys. It's a win-win. About a month before camp, though, it is equivalent to tax season for an accountant, I think. I am proud to announce that I am up to date with 250+ Cub Scout/Sibling forms as well as 175+ Adult Volunteer forms. Organization is my strong point. (A girl can brag about the ONE talent she has!)

(I set up a temporary office in "Uncle Clay's room" (the guest room))

It is quite comical sometimes to see the things people come up with or questions that they ask. There is a health form that each camper/volunteer has to fill out to have on hand at the camp-site. There is a section to list any allergies. Last year, my favorite form was a child that was listed as having allergies to grass, pollen, ants, trees, dirt, and on and on -- oh, and heat! Seriously, the kid should have been in a bubble. Why are you sending this poor child to camp in the middle of the summer in TEXAS!?! This year, my favorite form stated as an allergy, and I quote: "Texas air". Are you kidding me??? Sure it could be a joke, but I know this particular couple personally and frankly, they have no sense of humor. They're not funny at all, and they don't even get jokes. So again; Texas, summer, heat, bugs.... Whatever.

Other happenings around here include, but are not limited to:

Adorable Baby's first swim;

Go Texan day at school;

Earning Logan's Bear badge (so now I can cover up the gluey mess from my badge magic debacle -- yippee!);

(Quite the picture of the mom, isn't it!)

Adorable Mobile Baby is into EVERYTHING, so this is how I can do Laundry nowadays;

There's other stuff going on, but I can't think of it now. Must. Go. To. Bed... (Did I mention that Adorable growing baby is waking up 2:30 every morning for drinks and socializing? We've been hangin' until about 4:30 so that I can get about an hours nap before the alarm goes off. If I didn't adore him so much......

Good night.


Kelly said...

I love this post. So much good info! Love the first swim!! But I wanted to be there for the first swim, man, those other people get all the luck. Boo! Look at him in the chill laid back pose just taking it all in. Quincy still won't get that far into the water. And look at those TRUNKS! Such a big boy with trunks!

I actually prefer the sweaty boys at scout camp to being an in charge girl. It's half the day for four days and all you have to do is be a big goober and they think you are fabulous. But I really, really appreciate people like you that make it happen.

I also leave everything off my registration forms. Every medication and allergy. No one needs to know that crap. And if there really is an issue, I'll be there anyway.

Denise said...

LOL! Texas air! I wish I'd known I could just claim an allergy to air in general. Maybe that would have gotten me out of Girls Camp.

Adorable Mobile Baby needs to give Mama some sleep. You know, they make Benadryl for kids, with the helpful side effect of sleepiness. Maybe you could conjure up a convenient allergy? Texas air, maybe.

Kelly said...

Ah Denise. A girl after my own heart!

Lori said...

Man, that is one super cute baby. He's growing so fast, sniff.

Dunk him in Kelly's choc fountain and I could eat him all up.

And like the pink cowgirl hat too. So stylin.

{krista} said...

That is definitely one adorable baby!

I loathe scouts... I know it's a good program and all, but as a mom, I loathe scouts. I didn't cry at all when we graduated into boy scouts, until I saw all that came with getting an eagle, and lets just say, we'll never have an eagle in this house without some divine intervention of some kind.

I should put something similar on my sons next form, or my daughters form she has to fill out for achievement day camp... allergies... Idaho weather?

Lauren in GA said...

That baby boy is so scrumptious!!!

I laughed at your saying that you would rather do paperwork than be around smelly, sweaty Cubs...*sigh* I just turned in my paperwork to volunteer at Cub Scout Day Camp this summer...I can already feel the bug bites and smell all of their sweaty bodies...blech...I couldn't handle all of the paperwork, though...remember how I used to stress out over the Area Book?

Lauren in GA said...

Hey, remember how, "Adam, of not having his shoed on fame" liked the Area Book? Well, I thought he liked the Area Book...turned out he really liked me.