Thursday, May 15

Let's discuss

I finished reading this book a week or so ago, but keep thinking about it. So this isn't necessarily a book review, because I don't know that I would really recommend it (it was decent chick lit, but nothing spectacular -- and I'm going to give away the plot (not that you couldn't figure it out by reading the jacket). Here's the book:

The Mommy Fund. The premise is that this one New England mom does volunteer work that is sponsored by a very wealthy man. After a particularly great job, the mom gets a 'bonus' check from this man for a million dollars. She worries that it is a mistake, calls the man, talks to his wife who says that it wasn't a mistake, she deserved it, yada, yada, yada.

So, the mom, Kate, goes to random bank and opens an account under her name and her best friend, Dani. (Dani is a single working mom of one, and Kate has a husband and two young sons.) So, she sets up this account for her and her best friend and they decide that they need a break from the rigors of life and decide to take a first class trip to New York for a long weekend. They go away for four days and live the life of the very rich for those days. Anyway, so they have a great time and get into situations, good and bad, that they wouldn't have had they not been loaded with money. They return home with completely new designer wardrobes and oodles of new expensive things.

Here's my discussion point: All this time, she never tells her husband about the money. AND she opens a joint bank account for her and her best friend. What's that all about? I could maybe understand a little bit if the husband were a controlling jerk, but he was only described as the nicest and most supportive of husbands. So it boggles my mind as to why she wouldn't have mentioned a million dollars to her husband right away.

Now, I am the first to admit that Geoff and I are not the best communicators in the world of couples, in fact, much of his information probably comes from this blog instead of my mouth, but I feel very confident in saying that he would have been the first person I would have called when I got a check for a million. (And then he wouldn't have answered his phone, so I would have called Kelly).

So, I adore my best friends, and would totally foot the bill for a long and luxurious weekend away from mommy-hood, but I wouldn't have kept it from my husband.

Would you keep something like this from your spouse?

Would you have opened a joint account for you and your bff?

Where would you go for a long weekend if you got a cool million?

What would you do with the rest of the money?


{krista} said...

Wow... that sounds interesting. I would never keep that from my spouse, he's the first one I'd tell! Even if I did hide it, he'd have to wonder where the money came from for a trip since it didn't come from him. LOL

I'd totally go to Hawaii or some other tropical place. And with the leftovers, it's no secret that I'd build a new house AWAY from my inlaws! Possibly without a forwarding address.

Jackie said...

Who wrote that book..volunteering leads to a million dollar paycheck..that's just crazy..if she were a waitress and got a million dollar tip ..yes..believable..but a lowly volunteer..the most downtrodden and abused..never.

I would tell my husband..I mean how could you not? Can you imagine how MAD she would have been if her husband had done that? ..and how is she going to sneak that onto the joint tax return?

If it's only for the weekend, I don't want to travel for a long time..could I just stay at home and accidently tell "competition neighbor" about my windfall..cause that would be Fun with a capital F.

I'd get new carpet and I'd stick the rest in savings..but I'd make withdrawals..for family vacations.

Kelly said...

So does her husband ever find out? Like when she comes home with the new wardrobe and all? And where did he think she was over the weekend?

You'd call Geoff but he wouldn't answer so then you'd call me-snicker. Yup, exactly how it would happen.

Then when you did tell him he'd tell you he has the perfect college saving plan so you'd call me again, ticked! Ah husbands! But you would get a new Odyssey out of it so it would all be ok.

I'd email Mike, because he can't talk on the phone.

Denise said...

LOL! My husband says he has to read my blog to find out what's going on in our lives. So yeah, I might not tell him about every book I read or what I had for lunch, but I can't imagine keeping a million bucks from him.

Him: Honey, I noticed you disappeared for the weekend and there are all sorts of Broadway show tickets on the credit card.

Me: It's okay, I'm paying for them.

Him: Um...but you don't have a job.

Me: Oh. Yeah. Uh...

I'm thinking he'd be just a little suspicious. He's perceptive like that.

Lauren in GA said...

I would tell my Mike immediately and then we would end up doing something sensible with the money...I would love a girls' weekend with you, though. I must admit that every major appliance in my house is making a funny, I would take care of that first and then you and I could go do something long as I am in bed by 8:00 you know I am useless after like, 8:01p.m. ;)

Unknown said...

Sooo, she would call me first hmmm? The bigger question is what number am I in her speed dial on her cell phone? I think Kelly has the pole position...

I think what would happen is that she would call first (just once) and not leave a message...

Did I just get myself in trouble? Love you honey! The joys of posting to older blogs - does anyone even read them?