Sunday, May 11

Sunday Funnies

In our Children's singing time at Church, they sang a song called "Do As I'm Doing", and the children were asked to imitate something that their mother does. They all start singing and I look over at Eric. He's standing there pretending to smack himself in the face. Then I look at Logan. He is standing there with one hand on his hip and the other pointing and shaking as if he were giving a hell fire damnation lecture. Nice.
If I do ever smack them, I'm not dumb enough to hit their face where people can see the marks!
(When it was the girls class, they imitated cooking and driving. Good girls.)


Jackie said...

That is funny!
Mine would have just stretched out on the floor and made typing motions..

Kelly said...

I was just clicking over to leave the exact same comment Jackie did. At least your kids had you standing.

Wonder if mine are skilled enough to mime eating caramel popcorn with one hand while typing with the other as to not get the keyboard sticky.

Face smacking, Eric, you punk. You want to see a face smacking? I'll give you a face smacking!!

Thank goodness Logan left out the part of the spittle flying from your mouth while you hell, fired and damnated.

{krista} said...

That's hilarious! LOL Mine would have imitated me yelling and typing at the same time, I'm sure.

Denise said...

ROFL! You are so busted! They're just asking for trouble, asking the kids to squeal on their parents like that. There could be all sorts of unpleasant revelations, lol!

Lauren in GA said...

I love it! That's right, good girls!

You are so funny, Nic! I laughed about the not hitting the boys in the face because of the marks. That is sage advice.

I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day. I want you to know I always think of you on Mother's Day because of Gayle...

I ♥ You!