Tuesday, September 23

I've resorted...

... to "drinking" Trix cereal out of a cup.

I'm just in a funk. The kids have been out of school for two weeks. They only started up about two weeks before that. They have been really great, actually, and I haven't felt the need to physically hurt any of them, or me. Nor have I had the desire to run away. (Except for maybe today). I just really like the structure of a schedule. I really like school. I like vacuuming and not seeing footprints on it for a few minutes afterward. Just silly things like that.

Stores are opening up more and more each day, but gas is still difficult to come by. So as a result, I'm "rationing" my going and doing. Hence the Trix from a cup. Don't want to use the milk, cause then I'd have to go to the over crowded and understocked stores to buy more. And, I haven't gone to the store to stock up for the 4 pm sugar rush - that's totally my fault for not preparing! My one saving grace has been that Sonic close by home has opened and so Happy Hour Diet Coke is available. (Honestly, the withdrawal headache was not pleasant.)

The schools supposedly start on Thursday. I keep checking the website for fear of a delay. So far it is on schedule for Thursday. I can see an end in sight. Now I just need to get out of the funk. Anyway, don't mind me. I just needed to vent. I'll be okay. Maybe another cup of Trix...


{krista} said...

Seriously... cannot imagine... I remember being snowed in for about four days (when my middle child was an infant) and I thought I'd go NUTS (happened twice that winter in fact, it was a bad year)! I'd surely have to check myself into an institution if that happened again now.

Yeah for Sonic... it's a good thing my closest one is 20 minutes away or I'd go broke during happy hour!

Kelly said...

Oh poor baby, I sympathize. Keep knocking back the Trix, the end is in sight!

And hey! You've got Sonic! We don't yet, but I have heard a rumor that if you walk up to the door and knock and offer $5 for a coke, someone inside, who is supposedly cleaning, will oblige. Happy Hour indeed!

No B&N up either. We eschewed the gas terrors and drove to Town and Country tonight because we were getting the shakes! Now I'm less a 1/4 tank but I feel much, much better. Live dangerously and come up here tomorrow!

nic said...

Thanks for the invite, Kelly. My plan for tomorrow is to make them all clean so that they are glad to be back in school the next day.

Lauren in GA said...

Oh, Nic...I am so sorry...you need more Trix...maybe the artifical colors and flavors can help you reach some sort of a sugar high and then you can crash into a sluggish coma and take a much needed nap...oh, sorry I guess that is just how I would handle things...

Denise said...

If you're truly in need of the 4:00 sugar, there's no shame in eating chocolate chips straight from the bag. Just a tip. Mix them in a cup with raisins and you can pretend you're being all healthy.

I hope your schedule gets back to normal soon. I totally empathize! Not with the whole recovering-from-a-hurricane thing, but with the I-need-the-kids-out-of-the-house thing.