Tuesday, September 9

The hills are alive...

Okay, there's no hills where I live, but there are freeway overpasses. Anyway, Maren had her first piano lesson this week. Oh, the joy. I am so excited and jealous, and vicariously living through her!

Her teacher is the music teacher at our elementary school who happens to live right around the corner from us (hello one thing I don't have to drive people to!!!). When she walked home from her first lesson, she walked up to the back door, I was standing in the kitchen and saw her approach. The look on her face was pure and unadulterated joy. The smile literally stretched from one ear to the other. Oh, so cute. (Didn't have the camera handy, dang.)

So, she did her worksheets while she ate dinner, then went straight to the piano and practiced for an hour. I know it will get less exciting real quick probably, but for now it is good. Real good.

So, between Maren pounding out the keys and Eric's oboe sounding like a duck in heat, we are totally an instrumental version of the Von Trapps! I L O V E it!


Kelly said...

Hey Maren, wanna do a duet! I know the joy so well.

{krista} said...

I hope she keeps loving it! I have high hopes for my youngest, and so far, it's like her long lost dream has come true.

Burnhams said...

way to go maren, and the oboe? wow now thats quite the instrument

Denise said...

I love the oboe, such a mellow sound (well, when it's not in heat), and of course I have to say YAY for the piano! But please, Maria Von Trapp, promise me you won't make your kids clothes out of the curtains.

Lauren in GA said...

"a duck in heat"...Bwahhhh Haaaah Haaaaah.

I am not laughing at you...Evan just started the trumpet. My inner ears are in distress.

I love that Maren loves it so much! That is wonderful. So cute, that she was smiling ear to ear.