Saturday, September 20

I have a gripe

A couple weeks ago, a neighbor (this guy actually was my PTA vice president my first year on the board. We didn't get along. It's a whole other story for another day...) asked if I would pick up his daughter from the bus stop one day after school because he had a job interview and couldn't make it to get her. (The wife works too.) I said that I'd be happy to help out that day. Then as we continued to talk (I should point out here that this neighbor doesn't despise me like I do him), he said that he would most likely take this new job and would therefore need to find before and after school care for his daughter, and asked if I would be willing to do it -- of coarse he'd pay me for it. I said; "Oh, no. Sorry, I can't commit to that! Some days we are going and don't even come home after school. When we are home after, it's all about music practice and homework and all that stuff. I'm not in the child care business." So then he says: "Well, yeah. I just thought I'd ask. I figured you already have so many children that what's one more!"

What's that!?!

I'll tell you what's one more, buddy! (Can you see a little why he's not my favorite neighbor?) One more means one more person to herd into a car and one more voice to either zone out or talk over. One more is one that I haven't crafted, and guilted and scarred into obeying my every command the second I command it. You can't just throw in one more after 6 or 7 years of non-Nic training! One more....

What if I said to him: "Huh, you only have one child. How about if I give you two of mine, then that makes us even. One's not enough. You need at least three. Besides, you only have one, what's a couple more?"


Burnhams said...

One more is one that I haven't crafted, and guilted and scarred into obeying my every command the second I command it.

I LOVE IT! You are HILARIOUS! Whats one more??? What a dork!

{krista} said...

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I was so told this one day by a member of my bishopric (yes) about his daughter who was here playing at my house... what's one more? And his deal was that he has six kids and I only have three, so what's one more for me? I wanted to shoot him! LOL

Lauren in GA said...

Next time kick him in the shin and ask him if he wants one more.


Kelly said...

You get more "Hands full!" and "What's one more" comments than anyone I have ever met. It's because yo make it look so easy, and here you thought your acting dreams were dead!

Burnhams said...

You should tell him that you came from a family with twice as many kids, and in fact your nephew is just younger than you by a couple of years and your nieces and nephew have kids the same age as some of yours. See him try and wrap his brain around that :)

Jackie said...

I shouldn't get started on this..because I might just get ugly.
I was asked recently if I'd take a kid to karate at 7:30 and pick them up at 8:30 p.m. because Dad would be at son's practice,(he wants to watch) and Mom was out of town on business all week and girl has to go every night to qualify for her black belt.

I'm sorry but I'm busy with my kids in the evening. I choose not to work a paying job..but I am working. Doodlesquat.

Denise said...

Bwah! I like your guilting-and-scarring approach to motherhood. I'm trying to emulate it.

What's one more, indeed. Idjit.