Friday, March 27

Thieving Thieves

So, I never got around to writing a letter to the grocery store. Maybe I'm all bark and no bite. I really should write a letter. I fully intend to, but I wanted to give them some time, being a new store and all. I'm nice (read: lazy) that way! Some day I'll do it. Really, I'll get to it.

Today, we (Christian, Samantha and I) were at said store and finished up our shopping. Christian got to ride in the cool cart that has a little sports car attached to the front of it. When we got to the car and I loaded all the groceries in, I put Christian into his car seat and noticed the king sized 3 Musketeers bar in his hands. (That race car is right at the level of the candy, so I guess he just thought he was having drive through.). Then all these thoughts go through my head as I'm seriously considering stealing candy from my baby: "I am not hauling everyone back into the store for a dumb candy bar." "Serves them right for charging 13 cents more than dumb Wal-mart for a box of Rice-a-Roni!" "I'm totally having me a 3 Musketeers bar!" "They deserve this anyway for how they rip you off price wise.", etc...

I get in the car and Samy says; "Did you buy that candy for Christian?"
me: "No. He stole it."
Samy: "Let me tell you about the story of the little boy who stole the lollipop from the store..."

Dang! Blast you, Sunday School teacher! You just cost me a candy bar!

So we run back in and hand over the goods. The cashier looks at me like I'm crazy for returning a dumb candy bar (I know!), and we get back into the car.

Samy was very pleased. Christian's attention span moved on to something else. I want a 3 Musketeer.


Lauren in GA said...

I belly laughed at your closing sentence...I want a 3 Musketeers for you.

I also belly laughed at your saying Christian thought he was in a drive thru.

Blasted Sunday School teachers. I so agree.

{krista} said...

Kids and their sunday school lessons. I got my own lecture last night about scripture study. At least you don't have a guilty concsious about stealing a 3 musketeers, though.

Denise said...

Your blog is one of my favorites. I hate that debate on should I take it back or not. Happen a little to frequently here, and yes I run it back in too. :) Or did I eat it? Just kidding.