Friday, February 20

I'm wondering:

Why is it okay for Eric Holder, the black Attorney General serving under the black President of the United States of America, to say that America is a racist "nation of cowards", but some poor schmuck from the New York Post can't draw a cartoon of the police shooting a chimp (like what just actually happened in Connecticut!) and make fun of the ridiculous stimulus bill?

Just wondering.


{krista} said...

obviously the cartoonist is white.

Lauren in GA said...

the world may never know.

Denise said...

I wrote several different things here and erased them all, because there was just no nice, politically correct way to say what I really think. So let's just say, we all know why. And it sucks.

Jane Blackmun said...

You know I am really hating politics and the media right now! I've turned to watching HGTV for the most part. Such double standards and noone to call them out on it! I couldn't stand the orgy the media was having over our new pres.. I don't even like the sound of his voice!! So there! Take that! :o)I feel better. Ummmm, Ummmm (meditation sounds)

Anonymous said...

I could get in big trouble for saying this, but I will, and you already know this. There is a huge double standard between whites and blacks and what they are allowed to say. There is no such thing as racism against whites, which is a load of horse manure. I have been discriminated against because I am white. But since I am the "man" it is ok. Read an article by Bret Prelutsky on about Eric Holder and his comments. I loved it. Very worthwhile.

Travis Burnham