Friday, November 14


It's been in the back of my mind. It really has. But time flies. Not even when your having a whole lot of fun. Time just flies. Days run into weeks, weeks into months! Where does it go?

Wednesday, I was going to pick Samy up from school. I wasn't late or anything. I made a very safe, very legal right hand turn out of my subdivision. Then I saw the lights behind me. I was ticked. Could not imagine what I had done. So, Officer Lightfoot (are they required to have these types of names upon entering the force, or are they given a cool name upon graduation from the Academy?) comes up to my window to ask for my licence and registration. Luckily I knew where they both were and the registration was the current copy. Whew! I said I couldn't imagine what I had done. He said that my state inspection was expired. I said "crap! Um, I have an appointment to take the car in on ... what is today, Wednesday? I have an appointment on Friday."

He gave me a warning and said to take care of it on Friday. Then he asked, "Will it pass inspection?" What the heck is that?! Does it look like such an old piece that it wouldn't pass inspection? My reply was, "No, because the check engine light is on. That's why I'm taking it in on Friday." He said okay and sent me on my way.

What I didn't tell Officer Lightfoot is that the car is in fact a piece and is 10 years old and that the stinkin' check engine light has been on since two days after I paid a thousand dollars to work on the transmission and other stuff. And that was about a month ago. The state inspection actually expired TWO MONTHS ago. I stink. I ask you: Where did September and October go???

So here it is on Friday. I have tried to get the car into the shop, but can't find a convenient time to drop it off for three or four hours without needing it to take kids here or there and without having to completely inconvenience anyone. So, today I have awesome neighbors car and took her to work until other awesome neighbor gets home from her work and can take me to drop off my car. Then the hope is that I can leave it over night, they will fix it so that the engine light goes off and then I can take it to Jiffy Lube for the state inspection and thereby once again be an upstanding citizen in the community. As opposed to now hiding my car in the garage and feeling like Officer Lightfoot is hiding out waiting to see the old, shoddy blue minivan with the expired inspection sticker from TWO months ago.

I feel like maybe I should hide the car in some bushes. Really, I just need a new car. *sigh* What has become of me? And seriously, where did September and October go?


{krista} said...

I just don't know what's up with time these days... I could swear we just HAD Christmas, and yet now it is here upon us again already!

I am glad we don't have to pass inspections here... although I have nothing to worry about, never have... then again, I know a few people who should have to pass inspections (like my neighbors who refuse to fix their taillights and we've almost run into the back of them twice).

Lauren in GA said...

I love you, are priceless, "hide the car in some bushes."

I want your amazing neighbors to come live by me.

I also enjoyed hearing how you desire to be an upstanding member of the community, once again...and how you wondered if Officer Lightfoot got that schnazzy name after graduating from the academy. You are adorable...the most adorable hardened criminal I know.

Denise said...

I'm glad you just got a warning, and that you have great neighbors. That's important, if you're going to try to run from the law. See ya in Rio!

Burnhams said...

How in the world did you get off with only a warning when it was TWO MONTHS past due??? I cant believe it. You really do have awesome neighbors. So why dont you get a new van?

Burnhams said...

oh and now is a great time to buy, most auto makers are offering 0% APR for 60 months...

Amy said...

I've got you beat. My registration expired in AUGUST. I worry that each time a cop passes me, he's going to turn around and pull me over.

Gotta get down to the tax office. At least before Christmas, anyway...

MomjanChristensen said...


MomjanChristensen said...

Ok. This is leave your comment take four.
I am envious. Me? I ALWAYS get the ticket. ALWAYS. Not for delinquent inspections, however. I am ALWAYS on top of that. I have other stresses in my life. Wanna trade 5 for that one?

As for osama, (Yes, with a lower case "o") the terrorist plant, wanna be marxist/socialist. Some say he is the anti-Christ. Time will soon tell. I could be relocating to northwestern France or Denmark or Swedem sometime after January 20...