Monday, August 25


With the beginning of a new school year, Fall is not necessarily in the air, but it is definitely in my head. It's really bad. It's only been one day, but in my mind, when the kids get home from school, they're supposed to change clothes and go play outside until dinnertime. No doing when that when it is 93 degrees and 88 percent humidity at 4:00 pm! Regardless, I'm in the mood for some cool, soup weather.

School was great for Logan and Maren.

This picture was taken while reading scriptures, a good 20 minutes before time to leave. Excited much, Maren?

Samy had to have her picture taken too, with her new lunch kit. She starts Pre-K in a couple weeks.

Off we go!

Eric had a bit of a different day.

He said he was frustrated and annoyed. He is attending a brand new school. There are new rules, new hallways, new classrooms, new everything. And it was tough to get a grip on. Bless his heart. He didn't bring his schedule print-out (that his mom told him to) because he memorized it. Turned out everyone was supposed to have a copy of their schedule. So he spent all of first period in the admin office waiting in line to get a new print-out. Then he was put into Beginner band instead of Honor band and spent all of second period working that out. Then the lunch schedules were all messed up, so he spent all of third period getting lunch (at least they let them eat!). I think after that he got a little more settled until the end of the day when there were all the rules about when and where you can exit the building... He'll be okay. Actually, he'll be great. Already his Junior High experience is 9000 times better than mine.

The good news is that he walked in the door an hour before last year when he took the bus to the old school. That is going to be good.

I love school. I love schedules. I love organization.
I love Fall - okay, almost Fall.
Happy School Days, Kiddlets!


Denise said...

Cute kids! I love when they're all dressed in new clothes and organized backpacks, ready to start a fresh new year of school.

I'm amazed how much better 8th grade is going already for my son, compared to last year. I think it really helps to know the ropes. And I agree, even a bad day like that is better than the days I remember of jr high!

Kelly said...

Aw poor Eric. The other frustrating part has to be that he's already been to Middle school and all these kids in the new school are just beginners, aren't they? Not to mention, he's totally his mama's boy so any incompetence among the administration has him seeing red.

Look at Maren's skort! I LOVE uniforms!!

Now let's talk about the weather!! I usually scoff at people who complain about our weather, but my walk today was brutal! Sweat, humid, mosquitos at 6 a.m! I'm really over it this year.

Jack's biggest beef was they made all the kids sit on the concrete while they went over the playground rules, by the time they finished he was too hot to play. "Why can't they tell them the rules indoors?" NO KIDDING!

Jackie said...

Middle School rules are out of control..I started reading the 20 pages of rules and my head hurt. I asked my son you get these rules and he said I just signed away.

Good luck to Eric..he's brave & handsome!

At the elementary, the PTA bought a huge ginormous playground's all shaded..crazy..I want one installed over my house & yard..

Lauren in GA said...

Awwwwww, poor is so great that he held it that age I would have started crying...well, at any age I would have started crying if my first day had been like that.

I loved the, "Excited much, Maren?" That is so great that she loves school so much.

Does Christian look around for everybody or does he relish in more time with Samy?