Monday, August 25


Our first born turned the ripe old age of 12 a couple days ago. Yesterday at church as we were singing goodbye to him from the Primary (children's class) and he was escorted by the Young Men (to the youth class), people asked if I was sad. No way. I love it. I love it for him! Remember back when you were the oldest and biggest kid in Primary and couldn't WAIT to get the heck out of there?

He was very excited. In Sacrament meeting (the general meeting) at church, the Bishop invited him up to the stand and had him recite his favorite scripture. I was so proud of him. Such a good young man. *sigh* Ah, they grow so fast....

Happy Birthday, Eric. I love you.


{krista} said...

He got a case of Dr. Pepper for his birthday? You rock, mom!

My dd was invited to recite her favorite article of faith when she was presented in Sacrament meeting last week and she graciously turned him down.... LOL

Happy Birthday Eric!

Denise said...

Okay, did you seriously give him a case of Dr Pepper, or did you use the box to wrap something else? Because I'm feeling a lot less weird here, being the mom who gives her kids Crackling Oat Bran as a gift. Hey, they ask for it! Several boxes all for themselves!

nic said...

Yes, that is in fact a pack of Dr Pepper for his birthday gift. Only I get soda (Diet Coke) in the house, so it is a huge treat. (But I still get to manage when and how much).

Burnhams said...

Happy Birthday Eric the big 12 I hope you like Young Mens.

Way to go Nic on not letting your kids have soda!
Cardon thinks soda is lemon or lime juice either in water or straight.

Burnhams said...

Happy Birthday Eric the big 12 I hope you like Young Mens.

Way to go Nic on not letting your kids have soda!
Cardon thinks soda is lemon or lime juice either in water or straight.

Lauren in GA said...

Good Heavens!! Wasn't that child just born?!

I am glad you love it for him! You are a GREAT MOM! I love that you want him to progress and move up instead of wanting to keep him a baby like I try and do ;)