Wednesday, August 20

Auto conversation

I was driving in the car with Logan and Maren just now. I was listening to some talk radio and they guy said: "I was reading a blog called..." and Logan said: "Man. I was hoping he was going to say Laundry Queen."

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Logan, but I'm not quite that popular.

1 comment:

Lauren in GA said...

That is fabulous!!!!!!!!!

You are totally a great enough blogger to be quoted on talk radio. I laugh and laugh at your wonderful posts.

I think it is so funny how my kids know about blogging. When I pull out my camera they say, "Are you taking this picture for the blog?"

I have caught myself saying when something funny happens, "Oh... This is so going on the blog." Luckily for everyone I am so behind on posting.. most of the things they don't want me to post never see the light of day.