Monday, August 18

The trip

Here's what happened: You know when you're on vacation, and you have a great time, and every picture you take you are thinking of a blog post? Then you get home and life starts up again and there's just too much to say and you can't figure out where to begin. So, vacation re-cap is going to be more of a cliff's notes version. You'll be okay.

Oh, plus, Geoff already downloaded all the pictures he took (800 on his camera to my ~12 on my camera) onto the desktop and I'm too lazy to transfer them over to my laptop to post them. Geoff is really the very good novice photographer. He's got all this vision and ideas and angles for shots and all. At about the gazillion temple we had to stop at for " another angle for a shot", I started calling him Ansel (as in Adams). He may have been offended. He'll be okay, too.

So here goes: Edouard tried his darnedest to ground us. The storm hit land earlier than expected and our flight was cancelled and pushed back later (closer to the storm hitting), so we called the airline to see what could be done about this. Not only did they move our flight up an hour earlier than the original one, but it was no a non-stop. Woo-hoo!

the happy travelers!

(I didn't care, seating arrangements - made by me - put me with the girls and Geoff with Christian, hee, hee, hee). Anyway, this meant that we had to haul out of the house an hour earlier than originally planned. Luckily, I am completely uptight and have mild OCD and it was not a problem.

We got into Salt Lake City and immediately headed for Carl's Jr. Carl's is one of our favorite treats when we go out west. Mmmmm, Carl's Jr.....

The next days were full of fun and adventure. Here's what we did:

  • The zoo with Janet, Holly, Ronnie, and Hunter.

  • Shopped at Park City (I refrained from buying a new Coach bag at the outlet -- it was tough)
  • Wheeler farm, a farmers market and the Copper mine
  • Benn took four of ours and three friends kids (by himself) to see Space Chimps. Watching Benn load seven kids into his Salt Lake County prison van was awesome. Not having to watch Space Chimps was priceless. (on this day, I stayed home and did laundry - remember, this is a vacation....)
  • Hiked up to the Granite Quarry where they got the granite to build the SL Temple and Conference Center. The kids all brought home rocks. At the airport security on the way home, the lady says to me: "Are there rocks in here?", holding up Logan's backpack. I said: "They're granite rocks." That seemed to be okay with her, she didn't say another word, just let it through. I'm thinking, only in Utah....

On Friday, Clay drove up from California to spend the weekend with us. We spent a lot of time at Temple Square and surroundings. I LOVE the Joseph Smith movie at the JS Memorial building!

We ate, shopped some more, and let the kids swim at the hotel we got for the weekend.

Our last couple days there, we (and by we I mean Geoff, Eric, Logan and Maren) made an impromptu hike up a rather large hill/mountain -- I'm too far removed to know the difference -- in Draper near the beautiful temple being built there. Samy, Christian and I ran races on the grass in front of a golf/country club that we happened to stop at.

Samy won all the races, whether she was racing me, or her imaginary friends. The sad thing is that I really was trying. She's a fast little bugger.

One of the funnest things we did was to ride the ski lifts at Sundance. Beautiful. I wish I had pictures of that. Geoff may have taken some, but again.... lazy... I was looking to hang with Robert Redford, but he must not have been in town. We also went to the MTC and took pictures of each child in front of the Mission Training Center sign. It will be cute to compare these pictures with each of their respective ones later.

(Imagine pictures inserted here, they really were good, and we caught Christian standing - Laziness combined with computer retardation stinks!)

Since we were so close, we went onto the BYU campus. None of us are BYU fans, but I had heard there was a good candy center in the bookstore. It was decent. (Tip: never trust a candy recommendation from a skinny guy. - no offense, Bob.)

We also went to the dinosaur park/museum in Ogden as well as Hill Air Force Base. We've done these sites before and were anxious to see them again. Craziest thing: When we got out of the car at the dinosaur park, I was cold enough that I almost wished I had a sweater. What the heck!? August! It's the canyons, I was told. Who knew!

The night before we left, Geoff and I got to sneak away to the temple (because there is one five minutes from where ever you are) and leave the kids with Benn and Jan. So that ended on the perfect note.

The next day, after two planes, a three hour lay-over in Phoenix (Um, Phoenix, it is HOT in the desert and you live there, so you should know that you should have inside connections between terminals at your airport and not make strangers to your town walk outside from one terminal to the next without proper signage. I'm just saying.), a thirty dollar pizza, and a lot of coloring and Gameboy DS we were back home safe and sound.

Now I'm doing laundry.

P.S. Thanks, Edouard, for taking care of watering the lawn for us.

P.P.S. This is what Christian did about two minutes after he was put into the car. Every time. Poor whacked out baby...


{krista} said...

So my neighbor just got called on a mission to the Utah county prison... I feel so sorry for Benn if he has to even be around him. LOL I however, am thankful he's gone.

What a fun trip... I'd love to see "ansels" photos!

Denise said...

Good recap, except you forgot the part where you completely dissed me so you could spend time with family. Hmph. Just think, you too could have come to visit our dry creek bed. See what you missed?!

Looks like a great trip! I'm laughing about the granite. My kids would totally haul home a backpack full of rocks, lol!

Denise said...
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nic said...

Denise, I purposfully left out the part about not being able to meet up with you. I'm bitter and angry about it. Thanks for bringing up a bad memory.

Lauren in GA said...

I loved it!!!!!!!!!

You crack me up...especially with your, "You'll be okay."

I understand what you mean about not being able to blog about all of it...I...uh....still haven't blogged about my beach trip yet.

Sorry, you didn't get to see Robert least you got candy...even though a skinny guy recommended it. I never trust skinny people ;)

You are so sweet to thank Ed for watering your lawn. You always show proper gratitiude.

Kelly said...

Good times! It doesn't sound relaxing at all, but very vacation like.

I want to take a bite out of Christian, those little hands folded again! mmmm

I want to see Ansel's shots too. Can I come down and post the photos for you from your desktop? I know how.