Thursday, October 13

Doings and Findings of late

Clicked into photos on my iPad and found these gems...

Other things we've been doing:

Went to the Grand Canyon (and Zion and Bryce canyons) this summer. So. INCREDIBLE.

Met up with some of the family in Utah. So. FUN.

Eric slept.

Hung over the side of a cliff at the Grand Canyon to get a shot down. Little scary.

One turned ...

Another turned (Darth Vader is hiding a candle)

That was summer. Now we're a couple months into school. Good times... good times....

1 comment:

Lauren in GA said...

I can't believe he is 15. You are far too young to have a 15 year old.

...and of course that makes me far too young to have a 14 year old. (you win though...because you are still younger than my old bag of a self.)

I love that black and white photo effect picture. That's talent. ☺