Wednesday, November 9

This is ART

I found this picture. No idea when it was drawn. Can you tell what it is?

It's the Star Wars (Return of the Jedi) scene where Lea is tethered to Jaba the Hut as his slave. Isn't that Awesome! My family is a little obsessed with Star Wars right now -- thank you Christian. The artist of this work is none other than Samantha! I love Princess Lea's bikini top and C-3P0. Not sure what the thing is in between Jaba and C-3P0, but we won't get into that..... We'll just leave that one alone.


Denise said...

Well, at first glance I thought it was depicting the famous fairy tale where Rapunzel gets swallowed by a giant walrus but leaves her oversized thimble behind as a clue. But now that you mention it, I can totally see the Star Wars connection. Clever girl.

Lauren in GA said...

I can see it all perfectly. I LOVE it!

Denise said...

p.s. I just figured out what the thimble is: R2D2!