Two teen-aged boys. One young man, in a five day period, regardless of how much prodding, reminding and pleading from a mother, can go through three to five pair of underwear. The second young man within that same five day period, all on his own, will go through anywhere between six to ten pair of underwear.
It's difficult to see in the picture, but the taller stack of underwear (belonging to teen-ager "B" consists of 9 pair. The smaller stack, that of teen-ager "A", is three pair. This is about four days since the last washing where underwear were involved.
The craziest of all is that Teen B (clean underwear guy) has a room that looks like a rabid dog attacked it, whereas Teen A (foul underwear guy) will frequently clean his room just because he feels like it.
What does one do with that? How does this even happen, and is there a point where it will equal out a bit?
Nice, huh.
I'm happy to see one pair. He's 2 ahead of the buffoons in my house.
Do you think Teen B is stealing underwear from Teen A?
You don't know how close I feel to you right now. I love my children with all of my heart...but man can their hygenic practices baffle me.
You're not alone. And I hereby dub one of my children (not naming names) "Foul Underwear Guy."
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