Friday, December 25


Here's a tip:

If you're the home teacher, don't come visit on Christmas Day.
If you're the home teacher and do come to visit on Christmas Day, and notice that there is a houseful of visiting family, don 't stay for an hour.
If you are going to visit on Christmas Day and stay for an hour despite the houseful of out of town guests, don't sit with several moments of uncomfortable silence - fake some conversation.
Get in, get out, and get on your way if you must come visit on Christmas Day at all.

It wasn't that big of a deal. It's just that there were people sitting on all of the couches and it's not very polite to stretch out and read a book when there is company. But the new Dan Brown novel is pretty entertaining....

Hey Home Teacher, there are still six days left in the month. Merry Christmas. Love, nic


Kelly said...

It's almost as bad as sending out Quality Scout Unit tracking spreadsheets on Christmas day. Get a life!

Lauren in GA said...

You have got to be kidding me. What a chucklehead.

Burnhams said...

REALLY? I dont think I would have let them in! wow. Happy laundry washing!

Emily said...

Let me guess, Geoff was all ears? And Nicole was reading and when looking up from her book she could be caught rolling her eyes. As she should have been. Ridiculous!

We miss you here. Mostly Ty misses Sammy. And I would really like to go out with my husband and have no babysitter.

Denise said...

Seriously? He's either really dedicated or really clueless. Probably both.
