Thursday, June 18

Twilight Camp - Days Two and Three

The great news is that it is running very smoothly and there are no terrible problems that have popped up.

There's been a couple scraped knees and nose bleeds. A few cases of heat exhaustion. But nothing big.

On Tuesday, a den leader brought a kid up to "headquarters" to see the Camp Director. He wasn't there. So, I guess being the camp registrar makes me, like, Speaker of the House, only not a complete low-life like Nancy. As I talked to the kid, there were basically two conversations going on. One was in my head telling him that he'd better shape up and just mind his manners and who does he think he is that he can just haul off and hit another kid..... The one coming out of my mouth , however, was much more politically correct and nice and just like a role play out of the Youth Protection Training class. It was so not like me. I guess the kid figured that his options were either to hang out with me, or be nice and go back with his group. He chose the latter. Good choice. The next day, however, he was back at "headquarters" with basically the same problem. Now he can't come back to camp unless a parent is with him and he has to switch groups. Oh, and his parents have to promise to remember to give him his medicine. I'll stop right there...

Did I mention that it is hot? I mean record breaking hot. Yeah, it is.

One week a year. One week a year. One week a year. Everyone together now: One week a year...


Burnhams said...

hope you survive!

Anonymous said...

Next time tell him you will hang him upside down from his ankles and cover him in honey and let bears and ants find their way to him. His eyes will probably pop out of his head and you will never see him again. But then again, that isn't politically correct either, not that we are too concerned with that.

Travis Burnham

Lauren in GA said...

One week a year...

You make me laugh, Nic.

Camp is hot. Just like you.

Uh, I really can't belive that Mom and Dad of your Angry Camper forgot to give him his medication.