Wednesday, June 10


Every few months or so, we need a new routine to shake things up and get people motivated and out of a rut. The beginning of summer is definitely one of those times. Last week, I instituted a new program. For certain tasks, when completed nicely, the children can earn a poker chip (no cash value :). During the hours of 12 - 2 pm, and 8 - 10 pm, these chips can be exchanged for electronics time. (One chip is equal to 30 minutes of electronic time). Jobs include the following: Vacuum (up or down stairs), sweep the kitchen floor, two math worksheets, wipe all door knobs with Clorox wipes (one of the best inventions in the world!), organize the playroom, dust upstairs or downstairs, etc. The list goes on and on. I can't take credit for the great idea. As with most great parenting ideas I get, it comes from Kelly. (Kelly rocks!)

So the best part of all is that the designated electronic times are during Christian's afternoon nap, and when he goes to bed. So, there are hours of the day when I am virtually child free! Yippee!

In the morning, they have their regular chores like making their bed and things like that, that they don't get a chip for, but have to do just because they are humans, and part of the family. But then when those are done, I've got people asking for jobs left and right, so that they can have chips to cash in later. It's awesome!

I know it's the first week of summer and there are over eleven more to go, and it will not be as exciting come August. But for now: I've got Eric asking for Algebra in June! Bwahhhaaahaaa! That is brilliant!!!

Following are pictures from end of school awards and Maren's piano and ballet recitals.

Logan raked in the awards and recognition. He deserved it. This year, he sucked it up and was stuck doing homework more than a few times when the other kids were having fun. He's a champ!

Logan and his best buddies. Because of the magnet program they are in; these guys have been together since first grade. Next year, fifth, will be their last before they all go to different Junior High Schools.

Maren got just about every award there was in second grade, including art contest awards (1st for Rodeo art, and 1st for Christmas Card art - she got that talent from the milk man...), and Second Grade Citizen of the Year!

After her fabulous piano recital performance!

Backstage at the Ballet recital. These girls were wonderful! I had to be the backstage mom, so I could only watch from the curtains, but it was really great!

We learned our first year in ballet that flowers must be given after any recital. They just must.

One other little ditty was added to the family on the first of June. After 10 years of (mostly) reliable service, the "Mini" was put to rest at the local Honda dealership (with the best deal and who didn't treat me like a stupid woman), and a new one was born. We're happily settling in for another great ten years...

I tried real hard to be cool and get into a Pilot or something like that, but the posse just doesn't fit in one. And, truth be told, those other cars just don't have the cargo room for all the groceries that need to be bought - constantly!


Kelly said...

The best part about your poker chips and what the kids don't know, you would have let them play the electronics during those times no matter what! Bwah!

MomSchwartz said...

Love the pics. You look beautiful in your new car (well, you look beautiful all the time). Love the poker chip idea. I could have used that when my gang was young. Love you.

Burnhams said...

That is a Brilliant idea! That would even work for Cardon. Hmmm... Maybe I could use it on Travis too...

Congrats on the new van, and of course to the kids on awards and preformances!

{krista} said...

We tried a poker chip system a few years back (using pennies instead of chips). However, they always ended up sitting around bored and fighting because they were too "cheap" to spend them in once they'd earned them. LOL My kids are obviously wierd.

Connie said...

Woo hoo....finally a new minivan! Looks nice with leather and all! What color is it?

Congrats to the kiddo's accomplishments. I truly feel it is because of you that your kids do so well and are good people. Having a mom who is so dedicated to them really makes a difference.

Still waiting for that phone call....

Lauren in GA said...

I love the picture of you in your new ride. You look fabulous, daaaahhhhhhliiiing!

The poker chip idea is fantastic. I am totally stealing that.

Congrats to Logan and Maren on their awards. Those are so fabulous!

"she got that talent from the milk man..." you kill me, Nic.

Denise said...

I always knew you were a genious Nicole and I was totally going to call you for a great idea. Thanks for posting it on the blog! I let them relax this week, but it's back to life this next week.