Friday, February 20

I'm wondering:

Why is it okay for Eric Holder, the black Attorney General serving under the black President of the United States of America, to say that America is a racist "nation of cowards", but some poor schmuck from the New York Post can't draw a cartoon of the police shooting a chimp (like what just actually happened in Connecticut!) and make fun of the ridiculous stimulus bill?

Just wondering.

Wednesday, February 4

More of what happened to January

Geoff reminded me that I had forgotten to mention the Spelling Bee. Sheesh!

During Logan's whirlwind winning streak at everything he touched in January, he was in the district Spelling Bee. He got out on the word warrant. He spelled it with one r. He said that as the judge was saying "incorrect" he thought to himself: "Oops, two 'r's'." (that was a lot of punctuation there!)

BUT, (everyone I know has a big but - sorry, I had to sneak PeeWee's Big Adventure in there), because he was the "last man standing" from his school, he gets to represent his Elementary at the County Spelling Bee at the end of February. Logan is a rock star!

I will note that there are no pictures of this event because Christian was more naughty than ever (only because we were in an auditorium and it was supposed to be quiet, and he's one-and-a-half). Samy was with me too. She was great. She sat all by herself as I came in and out with noisy-boy. Finally, I put them both in the women's restroom and said, through gritted teeth; "don't leave this room!", so that I could go back in the auditorium and retrieve all of our belongings. It was either the restroom or hand him over to a stranger ("can you hold this for me for a minute?"). There were no strangers around.....

Editors note: Yes, I'm fully aware of the dangers of leaving small children alone in a public restroom. It was for less than one minute and the restroom was empty and there was no one in the auditorium entry/foyer/whatever it's called. No, I don't do this often...

The end.

What the heck happened to January?

I blinked and now it's February. I have had so much homework and stuff this month, it totally took over my life. But I am happy to report that I did a great job on my "Dentist" project for Pre-K.

I rocked and got a HUNDRED on my 4th grade Science Fair project! I didn't place or anything, but I don't really care all that much. I was mostly in it for the grade.

Maren - all on her own, I take no credit for any part of it whatsoever! - placed 1st in the Rodeo Art competition at school. She didn't get any artistic talent from her mom or dad, so it must have come from the UPS guy. She did a great job!

Logan really was the man of the month, though. Since November, he has been practicing after school for an academic competition (UIL) our district has each year. Logan entered two events and PLACED in EACH! He really did a great job. In Music Memory, he placed 5th (out of 10 with 53 competitors) and in Number Sense, he placed 10th -- you have to understand, even Logan didn't think he'd do well in Number Sense. There were about 40 competitors in that category.

Anyway, that meant I spent most of December and all of January driving (30 minutes each way) to pick Logan up at school 3-4 times a week. (So glad gas prices have dropped so nicely!)

Then, Logan went on to take FIRST place in our Cub Scout Pack's annual Pinewood Derby! You have to understand how big this is for us. Usually we are the family that has wheels flying off, or the car not making it to the end of the track or something. FIRST place is huge! Wooo-hoo Logan!

So I guess that answers my question. January was spent in my car mostly. Aside from that, I was tracking down this thing a lot...

(between the wall and my headboard)

Or trying to keep him out of the grapes...

(He's totally asking for diaper rash.)

Helllllooooo, February!