Monday, December 22

Big Brag

I am so proud of this kid, I just have to write it down.

A few days ago, Eric asked if he could go with a group of friends to the theater and watch Yes Man. I said I would look at the review on Common Sense Media and get back to him. The review was not good. Language, sexual humor and partial nudity. I suspected as much when I saw that Jim Carey was the star of the film. So I looked at the theater website and saw that The Day the Earth Stood Still was playing about the same time (a little violence, no language, no sensuality) and told him to ask if his friends would go see that instead.

His good group of friends agreed that they would change the feature so that Eric could go. So the plan was to walk home with his friend after school and this friend would take them all to the theater. I told Eric that the trick as youth was to tell their mom that they are going to see one movie, but then get to the theater and go see the one they weren't supposed to. But the problem was that the mom always finds out and then the kid can't be trusted anymore and won't be able to do things like this again. That morning as he left for school, I said to call me if there were any problems or anything and I would come and get him.

That afternoon (it was an early-release day at school) he called and asked me to pick him up at the theater. He said that the theater marquee didn't show the time that Earth Stood Still was playing like it did on the Internet, so all the kids just decided to see Yes Man instead. They told him to come with them, but he said that he couldn't see that movie and called me. When I drove to the theater, he was standing alone against the wall and it just struck me that even though his group of friends were generally good kids, he still his the only LDS kid in the group so sometimes he will have to stand alone. He was fine, not mad or visibly upset or anything, but I knew it bothered him.

I told him how proud of him that I was and that not only did he make me proud, but his Heavenly Father as well. I said I would take him to Sonic for a giant Dr. Pepper because I knew this sucked! When we got to Sonic, he asked if he could get tots too because he didn't get much lunch. I told him I would buy him anything he wanted, I was so proud of his decision! (He got a bacon cheeseburger with Sonic sized cheese tots and a Route 44 dr pepper! - way to take advantage of the situation, son...). I could barely drive, my eyes were wet with tears. I tried to tell him all the wisdom about how his decisions now, regardless of how difficult they might be, are setting the foundation for his life and setting an example for his friends and siblings, etc, etc... I could barely get it out. I just let him eat.

The best part of all is that the next day, he found out that all his friends were kicked out of the movie because someone complained about a rowdy group of kids. It was actually the group behind them, but the manager didn't know the difference and kicked them out just the same.

So, not only would he have disobeyed, filled his head with things he shouldn't be seeing, and then lost his money to top it off.

That there is a great young man, if I do say so myself!

P.S. On the way home from the theater, I asked if he called me because he a) didn't want to do something he shouldn't be doing, or b) he was afraid of his mom.

He answered B.

Hey, whatever works!


Burnhams said...

Wow! What an awesome kid! Hes smart, and honest. Hes afraid of his mom! Obviously not too afraid or he wouldnt have admited that.

Denise said...

What a great kid! And a great lesson to learn. And hey, I'm all about rewarding behavior like that, even if it is in the form of massive junk food. Go Nic!

Lauren in GA said...

Oh, Nic!! I would have cried, too!! He is such a great young man!! That really and truly must have been a hard thing for him to do. You are right...he will have to stand alone, it truly warms my heart that he chose so well.

I think fear of the mother is healthy. I am an advocate of fear ;)

{krista} said...

Oh my goodness, that is awesome! What a great story to end my day! There are good kids in the world... even if they are just afraid of their mom. I wish my kids were a little more afraid of me... LOL

day dreamer said...

we recently had a similiar sit...over a PG13 movie, She was willing to leave the party 3 hours early, her frieds ended up picking a pg movie just so she could stay, i was impressed with her friends that they would do that for my daughter and that she "stood for righteousnes", nothing can make you more proud,I think, even if the reason is fear, again whatever works..isn't that why we keep some of the commandments? i know it shouldn't be but it is...WAY TO GO ERIC! what a good looking kid, have we talked about an arranged marriage? If not maybe we should!

Barb said...

That is awesome!!!

Emily said...

Oh, Eric. I love that kid. That's why I wish I could lateral him over to our family for the next, oh, ten years. Just to be an example to my children. Okay, I guess that's a little extreme. We'll just keep him as our babysitter. Even when Jaden is old enough to babysit. We'll call it: Jaden actually babysits Eric stands there and tells us all of the wise and exceptionally beyond his years decisions he makes. Afterwards, my children follow suit!

Emily said...

I wrote that wrong. I didn't mean Jaden babysits Eric. . .
You know what I mean!