Wednesday, December 10

Hey Global Warming....

... in your face!

That's snow.

In Houston.

The kids had such a great time.

Christian, not so much.

But that's okay, because by Friday it will be back to 75+ degrees. It was great while it lasted.

Thanks, Al Gore!


Lauren in GA said...

You are so funny, Nic! I love the title and the, "in your face!"

How FUN!!!!!!! Snow in Houston?! Uh oh...the end of the world in nigh! ;)

Denise said...

Ha! We have snow here, too, but it's not quite as exciting. Global warming, my eye. Al Gore's a schmuck (just on principle, whether global warming really exists or not!)

day dreamer said...

I'm impressed Logan has gloves on! You have gloves? My kids are J-E-A-L-O-U-S, they have left over gloves and snow clothes from our northren adventures that they are dying to use..Please NO!

Denise said...

I heard your blogs were addicting and they are! You are so hilarious! I could comment on all of them, but I won't so I don't annoy you. You're a funny chicky I'll give you that, and your little people are adorable.