Wednesday, August 25


So, it's been five months since I've been here. The three months have sped by, and during that time, I have every so often thought about something I wanted to get on her and post about. Then, something would distract me and another few weeks went by and I had forgotten what it was I wanted to post about.

Well here's one that I couldn't let get forgotten:

Third day of school. Junior High. Logan is offered drugs. On school property. Nice. Here's how it "went down":

Thug: "You want some O.J.?
Logan: "NO"
Thug: "Do you even know what it is?"
Logan: "No. And that's exactly why I don't want any of it."

Logan's a rock star.

Eric was offered drugs at the end of last school year. He was walking home when a car pulled up with a group of .. um .. "urban" ... young men in it, and they asked him if he wanted any. He said "huh?" then they drove away. He told us that they probably thought he was already stoned because of the way he answered.

On a cool note: for scripture reading this morning, we read about "not touching things that are unclean". How appropriate. So neat how that works.

Another note about school, since we're on the subject: Logan likes his teachers who have already showed their talents for sarcasm. I'm worried that he may make better friends with the teachers then the students.

And one more: High School Freshman "Fish" (they call them that here - weird, huh?) Eric, went to Health class on the first day. The teacher walked into the class and the first thing she said was: "Okay, so I know you are all sexually active ..."

What the heck!?! This infuriates me on many levels. 1) I feel like that statement just gave permission or the okay, for everyone who may be on the fence about doing it, or who may become on the fence, that they may as well do it because they are different if they aren't doing it. 2) It most likely makes those who are not active and choose not to be, feel like they are on the outside and there is something wrong with them. 3) I seriously doubt that everyone in that class (and all health classes that she made that statement to that day) are active. Give me a break. I know it's bad now days, and that it is probably way worse than it was when I was in High School, but come on. It bugs me that she qualified that statement with "all of you". Annoying. Anyway, that was a fun ride home from school.

It sounds like we live in the ghetto. But really it is a very nice community. Great schools, great everything else. Small town feel, etc. I just don't think that you can get away from all this stuff. I don't think there is anywhere we could move where we wouldn't run into these or similar issues. I do have to say, though, that I am proud of my kids for knowing what to say without any hesitation, or being able to talk to me about all this stuff. Hopefully this will last. (The communication, not the drug offers and such.)


Denise said...

Kudos to your boys, and to their mama who obviously raised 'em right!

I don't think there's any way to escape that stuff, either. I mean, I'm right here in the heart of Utah County, and I just learned that our high school has the biggest seminary in the entire church. 2000 seminary kids. That's practically the entire school.

And drugs are rampant.

Mostly prescription drugs, from what I hear. It's a huge problem. All those good Mormon kids, raiding their parents' medicine cabinets, or whatever.

Seriously. Maybe if we moved to Amish country, we'd finally get away from this stuff. But even the Amish kids are probably out in the milking barn sniffing paint. *sigh*

Burnhams said...

YAY for your kids saying no. And for an open relationship where they feel they can tell you these things! I hate Health class! what a joke!

Lauren in GA said...

Logan's reaction was so fantastic. Good man, Logan.

I am going to ask Evan if he has been offered drugs. Yowza.

Evan loves it when his teachers are sarcastic.

Holy moly...the teacher assuming that all of her students are sexually active is crazy.

Jane Blackmun said...

Aww,you are such a good Mom! (And congrats on making it back home to your blog! :o))

I was cleaning out Daddy's office at school the last 2 nights and found an institute telephone list from 89 or 90. Aww, the good ole days. Love you! Still can't believe that he's gone! Have a great holiday weekend.

MomSchwartz said...

What an awesome Mom you are to have such wonderful kids! I hope your boys continue to keep an open communication, it makes a big difference. I know you are very proud.