Friday, March 26

Kids Nowadays

Totally out of the blue today we're driving home and Logan says: "A girl asked me to go out today."
Me: Go out where? You don't have a car or any money in fifth grade.
L: I don't know. Just go out.
M: Who was she?
L: A girl named Summer. I don't really know her.
M: Who's class is she in?
L: I don't know.
M: If you don't know her, why would she want you to be her boyfriend?
L: I don't know. Ryan said I could say yes just to be nice, then break up with her in two days.
M: Oh yeah, "going out" means you're boyfriend and girlfriend! What'd you say?
L: I told her no then ran away.
M: Why did you run away, were you scared or embarrassed?
L: No, because Jared was coming and he was 'IT'.


Kelly said...

Awesome!! That Logan, he romances them just like his Dad.

Denise said...

Okay, see, this is a perfect juxtaposition. A boy runs away from the girl asking him out, because he's in the middle of a game of tag? TAG? Isn't that a clue, right there, that he's too young to be anyone's boyfriend?

This post cracked me up.

Lauren in GA said...

This is the perfect commentary on a 5th grade boys' idea of priorities...I mean, who has time for romance if they are about to be tagged and have to be, "IT"! I loved evey word.

I have been meaning to send you an e-mail and tell you have fabulous you look in your New Year's card. I loved it. I miss you, Slava...I will always be the Gretch to your Slava!!

Burnhams said...

Oh my goodness! That has to be the funniest conversation I have heard in a long time!