Tuesday, August 25

Lucky number 13

Happy Birthday to Eric (this past Saturday - I'm a little behind.....).

This summer, Eric has spent a LOT of time babysitting. So it was ever so appropriate that for his 13th birthday, he babysit to start the day, and again to end the day.

That was sarcasm, because how pathetic.... Saturday morning was a Primary Activity that the whole family was involved in - except for Eric, so we all had to take off after the morning chorus of "happy birthday". Christian wasn't really involved in the activity either, and no one wanted the chore of chasing him in the church parking lot (it was an outside water activity), so Eric got to hang with Christian in the morning.

We tried to redeem ourselves as parents by dropping him and some friends at the movie theater in the afternoon and leaving them with movie tickets, money for concessions, and money for ice cream after the movie. It seems to have worked, as he hasn't shown signs of resentment, but I'm sure as the hormones kick in more and more, there will be plenty of resentment, and worse....

So, his entrance in to teen years concluded by babysitting (which he agreed to) for some friends of ours so that we could go out on a double date. I will say that had I been in charge of the planning, I would not have chosen our child's birthday to have a night out on. A few days earlier, Geoff called and told me that he had arranged a date with this other couple on Saturday, was that okay with me. I said, um, it's your firstborns birthday... He responded with a Homer Simpson doh! Nevertheless, Eric was a good sport and saw $$$ in his eyes and we had a good time out!

Happy Birthday Eric!


Burnhams said...

Happy happy birthday Eric!

Sara said...

Happy Birthday Eric! We sure miss our favorite babysitter. Have you earned your Ipod touch yet?

day dreamer said...

Happy Birthday, aww, I remember the day! Good times, your poor momma.

Lauren in GA said...

Happy Birthday, Eric!!

You aren't old enough to have a teenager. I feel the need to point that out.

Evan does a lot of babysitting for me, too. In truth...I couldn't handle life without his help.

Hey, I got a comment on my blog from a mysterious person that it think is Pat McConnell (that Geoff shared the gospel with and baptised). Did you all give him our blog address? It was very cool to hear from him.