Friday, December 2

The Drive Home

I'm still cracking up as I write this.....

Samy: "Mom, in my school, there are kids who have crazy issues, but their parents still want them to learn, so they go to my school. Well, today I was doing the monkey bars and a girl with crazy issues came over and kicked me."

Me: "Samy, it's called DIS-A-BIL-ITIES. The kids have mental and/or physical disabilities. We shouldn't call it 'crazy issues'."

(But I'm for sure going to adopt that term for personal use.)

Sorry, but that was too good not to share. Have a good day.

1 comment:

Lauren in GA said...

Um. Yah. I am totally adopting that term for personal use, too. It perfectly describes my ward.

You crack me up...and so does Samy.