Wednesday, July 1


This is the first word that comes to mind for me. (I'm being over-dramatic -- but only a little)

The dryer is not working. I came home yesterday and smelled burning. I searched the house and ended up in the laundry room. The grill at the back of the dryer is charred. The load of towels that had been drying smelled burned, although thankfully, there were no actual burn marks that I could find.

I am calling a repair man the moment they open. In the mean time, the seven laundry hampers are filling up. I'm paralyzed. What will I do with my life???? I hope it will be the meantime keep us in your thoughts.


Burnhams said...

Do you wear and wash? My theory is as long as it looks clean they can wear it again :) Hope it gets fixed soon and is cheaper than buying a new one...

Lauren in GA said...




You are the Laundry Queen!! This will never do!

That is like a pilot having a broken down plane!!

*A moment of silence for your dryer*

Sara said...

You can borrow ours anytime. Don't you just HATE it when those essential things that we constantly need just aren't there for us when we need them?

Denise said...

Dire news indeed, for the Laundry Queen. My dryer quit working while I was out of town, and there were my parents stuck with four kids, mountains of laundry, and no way to dry it. They ended up going to the laundromat to use the huge dryers quite a few times. I totally owe them. So yeah, I guess you could hit the laundromat, which sucks, but not as bad as 14 loads of dirty laundry and nekkid kids!